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August 2019



Hello! I want to give a huge shout out to the nursing staff of GRCC.  We recently launched our electronic medication administration program and thanks to the nurses, it has been a great success.  The staff of GRCC continues to develop better process to provide the best care to our residents. The staff was treated with special dessert as our way of showing appreciation for their efforts.  Way to go team!

This month, our Governing Board welcomes three new Trustees to the GRCC Board of Directors.  We extended a warm welcome to Bob Cooper, Nan Smith, and Eddie Sites.  The new board members had the opportunity to meet with the management team at GRCC where a wonderful lunch was provided by Sheila, Jenny, and the Dietary Staff.  We are very blessed to have active and energetic folks to offer their time and talents in ensuring our facility is successful for years to come.

GRCC is also working toward the installation of new equipment and software to better protect our residents from falls and acute illness onset.  We will begin a trial of a product called Early Sense that enables the staff provide a higher level of monitoring for residents on our 400 wing. If this proves successful, we will evaluate using this product throughout our building.  We always invite suggestions and comments from our residents, family members, and community on ideas to better serve you.

God Bless and have a great month,




August’s Employee of the Month is General Duty Aide, Robin Riggleman. Robin has been employed here for two years and nine months.

Robin is married to Denver. They’ve been married for fifteen years. She has one son, four step-children, one granddaughter, and fourteen step-grandchildren. In addition to her family, Robin has a cat named Scooter and two dogs; Ollie and Waylon.

In her free time, Robin enjoys walking and shopping. She also attends Living Hope Baptist Church.



The month of July was an exciting month, we had all of our regular activity groups and they were all well attended. This year we added a new outing to Tri-County Fair week, my staff and I took thirteen residents over two days to the Fair. We toured the barns and looked at all of the livestock and the young people taking care of them and showing them. The residents also got to go in the Exhibit building and look at the items on display. The residents had a wonderful time visiting with many local people who were at the fair.

We also drove the new facility van thru the Tri-County Fair Parade with five residents and the Activity Staff. The parade goers waved to the residents and called out the names of those they knew were in the van. The residents waved, laughed, and talked while riding in the van. A good time was had by all.  The Tri-County Fair Parade is a yearly event for the Activity Department, weather permitting.

This month we also enjoyed having fried bread. The residents made homemade butter to eat on the bread! We also had homemade apple butter. This activity was enjoyed by many residents and staff alike. The making of homemade butter and fried bread brought back many good memories for the residents.

As always, we encourage visitors to come see family and friends. We also encourage pet visits, however, before a pet can be brought into the facility, we need a copy of the pets shot record from the Veterinarian. It will be kept in the Activity office on file. A new one will need to be brought in after each pet doctor visit.

We are asking that if anyone is interested in volunteering, please stop by the facility and pick up a application. You will receive a blessing and be a blessing.

God Bless

Cindy L. Evans ADC  



The summer months are quickly passing, and soon we will be looking at pumpkins, and enjoying the fall colors.

We are preparing for the fall weather, which of course includes Flu Season.  We are starting a new process this year.  Instead of mailing the flu consents and flu vaccine information, we are requesting responsible parties to stop in at the Social Services office. 

We will provide you information regarding the flu vaccine, but we will be signing the consents electronically.  Some of you have already did so, and if so, thank you for being proactive. 

If you haven’t, please stop by our office between 8:00 AM- 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday.  If you need to come in later, we will gladly schedule an appointment time to meet with you in order to get the consents completed.  Please call (304)-257-4233, ext. 5239 (Amy Rotruck), ext. 5242 (Ravenna Redman), or ext. 5243 (Aimee Minor) to set up the appointment.

Have a blessed end of summer!

Social Services Department



The Nutrition Service’s Department helped with the ice cream social last month by providing ice cream and an assortment of toppings for staff and residents to create their own sundaes.

We also provided lunch for the luncheon welcoming the new Trustees to our Board of Directors.



I’ve been busy programming our Medical Record forms into the Document Manager Module of our Medical Record software which continues to fulfill my focus toward a total EHR (Electronic Health Record).  I am very proud to report, with Aimee Minor’s help, most of our admission paperwork has changed to electronic signatures making the admission process smoother and less time consuming for residents and/or family members.  Thanks to Aimee Minor, Social Worker, for assisting me with this project.   I will continue to strive for all of our forms needing signatures to be programmed into the Document Manager section of our computerized Medical Record software.  This new process will shorten the time involved with signing forms during our admission process.  Thank you to ALL for your patience and understanding with the staff here at GRCC as we make this transition a success. 

E-MARS    I am also very proud to inform everyone that our nurses have taken a huge leap with the conversion of a paper MAR (Medication Administration Record) to an EMAR (Electronic Medication Administration Record).  As of 8/1/19, we are recording medication administration through an electronic (computer) method.  The nurses have been a little nervous but very cooperative and excited about this conversion which is a huge step in GRCC moving forward with a total EHR (Electronic Health Record).  This has been a very challenging process but I am happy to report, we did it!  I want to say THANKS to Kari Evans, Administrator, Christina Thorne, DON, Cassandra Hanlin, ADON, and Crystal Grapes, Corporate Compliance/Human Resources, for their support and cooperation in the setup process and the many hours spent getting ready for the “GO LIVE” EMAR conversion date.  A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR NURSES for their cooperation, understanding, and commitment to make this change also a success.   GREAT JOB!!! 

Fran Hedrick, Medical Record Coordinator                                                                            



Val Crites is Odyssey's August CNA of the Month! She is always willing to lend a helping hand when needed and treats her residents with respect and dignity.

She is a great team player and communicates well with the Therapy Department regarding the residents whom are on caseload or may be in need of therapy services.