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November 2018




Hello all, and Happy Thanksgiving!

I am so proud to announce that the Richard “Dick” Longbon Physical Rehabilitation Unit has been inspected by the State Fire Marshall, and we have been approved to open the area for treatment.  Our Maintenance Department has worked tirelessly to complete the building of this project and have constructed an area where our residents will be able to achieve their therapy goals and improve their outcomes.  Open house for the new therapy gym will be held on Thursday, November 29th, 2018, from 11am to 2pm.  I invite each and every one of you to join us in dedicating the new therapy area.  Refreshments will be provided along with an art exhibit that features the talents of Mr. Robert Nelson and the Petersburg High School Senior Art Department.  I hope to see all of you there!

Another project that GRCC has been working on is the integration of our vital sign monitors to our electronic health record. We recently leased two new vital sign monitors that will collect a resident’s vital signs and directly incorporate the findings into the resident’s health record.  This will not only improve the efficiency of our staff but it will allow for more time to be spent with the resident, instead of performing manual charting.  

Please be aware that we have entered “cold and flu” season.  Proper hand washing is very important to ensure that our residents are not exposed to unwanted germs and viruses.  If you have not received the flu vaccine, please wear a mask during visitation so our residents can remain as healthy as possible.

Finally, GRCC will be installing a new phone system in our building.  Phones will be available in each resident room to receive all incoming calls and to place local calls. Our goal is to have this project complete within the next several weeks.  We will continue to make improvements to our facility, such as this one, so that our residents feel truly at home.  

If you have any suggestions on how we can improve our care and services, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Have a great month!




October continued to be a busy month. The monthly birthday party was one of the best attended; cake and ice cream was served, and the residents loved hearing Joyce Schrum sing and play. 

The Vo-Tech girls and guys were here to do nails on the Friday, October 19th. Our ladies and even a few of our gentleman kept them busy both morning and afternoon. I will be scheduling them to return as they are able. 

Residents were served fried bread and fresh apple butter on the 24th; it was enjoyed by all who participated! We will be having more food related activities in the coming months. 

Halloween was a success with ninety-seven children coming by for trick or treat. Many residents passed out candy which was provided by their families. They also enjoyed looking at costumes and talking to the children as they came into the room. 

This year we moved the trick or treat activity to the main dining room because of limited space in the chapel area. Activity Assistant, Winnie Goldizen and volunteer, Becky Hovetter passed out bags of treats provide by the Activity Department. 

Thank you to all GRCC staff who helped with the trick or treat activity and to all the residents and families who were involved in any way.

Cindy L. Evans ADC   



October 7th-13th was Food & Nutrition Services week. To celebrate, we decorated our bulletin board with Nutrition Services’ employees’ pictures, positions, and years of service. During that week, we also gave out treats and door-prizes to our staff. Then on Wednesday, we had our departmental meeting and had a “potato bar” luncheon. Each employee was then presented with a tote and tumbler as an appreciation gift.

Remember, if you would like to eat with your loved one(s) on Christmas or New Year’s Day, make sure to call and reserve your spot as soon as possible! Meals are $7.00 per person and include drinks and dessert! (304) 257-4233 ext. 223



The holidays are fast approaching starting with this month’s Thanksgiving.  We definitely want to spend time with our family and friends, and our residents want the same.  They love seeing their family.  Residents do have the ability to go on visits, and celebrate the holidays with their loved ones.  If you would like to take your family member out for the holidays let us in Social Services know, and we can assist you in making arrangements.  If you do not feel comfortable taking your resident out for a visit, please feel free to visit here at the facility. Meals are available here, however, if you want to bring dinner to the resident, let activities and nursing know.  We can make space available so you can have the best possible visit with them.

However, also keep in mind even though it is the holiday season, it is also cold and flu season.  If you or your family members are experiencing ANY flu or cold like symptoms, please refrain from visiting.  Our residents, including your family member has weakened immune systems, and are unable to fight off germs which causes sickness.  If you have not received the flu vaccine, the facility is requesting for you to wear a mask, which is provided at all the entrance doors.  This is to help prevent the flu from spreading.  All of our employees have either taken the flu shot, or are wearing a mask, because we are actively trying to protect our residents, but we need your help as well.  Therefore, when you come to visit, please do the following:

1) If you are exhibiting any symptoms of sickness, please do not visit.  You can visit via telephone.

2) If you do come and visit, please continue to wash hands, and if you have not had the flu vaccine, please wear a mask.

3) If you are bringing children in, please make sure that they are washing their hands.  If they are feeling any symptoms, please do not have them visit.

4) If a hall has been quarantined, please check in with the nurse prior to entering the hall, and follow the nurse’s instructions, including use of any suggested protective gear. 

We will greatly appreciate all assistance in fighting the cold and flu.  We love our residents and want to provide them the best care imaginable, but we need friends and family to help us in the fight.  Thank you again in advance and we hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Sincerely, Social Services Staff



GRCC’s Employee of the Month for the month of November is Charlotte Rohrbaugh. Charlotte has been an employee here for eighteen years and has worked in many different departments. She enjoys her time spent with our residents as well as her co-workers. She also enjoys driving the facility van where she is able to have conversations with residents, learning something new all the time.



We recently held our employee skills fair, where all employees were given refresher information on several important procedures at our facility.

This event is an annual event to help keep our staff competent, up to date, and able to properly care for your loved ones.


Residents Christmas Parties will be held December 10th through 13th.

100 Wing December 10th

200 Wing December 11th

300 Wing December 12th

400 Wing December 13th

All Parties will be at 10am