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October 2019



As many of you already know, I will be stepping down as Administrator of Grant Rehab & Care Center on November 15th, 2019.  I have truly enjoyed my experience as a member of this team.  The Board of Directors and Staff of this facility are some of the best people I have had an opportunity to work with in my career.  I will be transitioning to Grant Memorial in December and look forward to continuing to work in this community.  

As the Board of Directors begin their search for my replacement, please keep them and the staff in your prayers.  I am confident that the good Lord will send the right person to continue the work that has been going on here at GRCC. Leadership positions can often be lonely, but here at GRCC, you are not alone.  The management team and staff are family. Maybe we are not directly related, but family isn’t only about blood relatives. It’s about support, love, kindness, and an occasional difference of opinion. That is exactly what we do at GRCC.  We may sometimes disagree, but we come together to support, love, and show kindness to our residents and each other in a way that is unlike any other community. 

I have learned so much about long term care in the time that I have been here.  Very few people know just how busy and stressful the job of long-term care can be.  I encourage each of you to support not only the nursing home, but all of our healthcare workers in this community.  It is an honorable and noble characteristic to want to care for others.  Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this community and a part of GRCC.  

With much love and respect,




October’s Employee of the Month is Jodi Cook. Jodi is a Certified Nursing Assistant and has been employed at GRCC for sixteen years. She is currently a Desk Clerk and our transportation scheduler. 

Jodi has one son, Kyler, who is fourteen years old. In addition to working here at GRCC, she also works part-time at Family Traditions in Petersburg. 

When not working, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends.



September was a good month for activities! All of our regular activities were all well attended. We have also been doing a group activity once a month. These activities consists of active games which the residents have been very excited about. 

In addition, we made Fried Green Tomatoes and the girls made No-Bake Cookies with the residents. Food-themed group activities always bring back a lot of memories for our residents. They enjoy talking about the times they made the recipes.

We want to thank the Friends of the Allegheny Mt Top Public Library in Mt. Storm Wv for the wonderful and useful donation. Many items were given to residents and put in resident areas for residents’ use. 

We encourage anyone who wants to brighten someone’s day to spend a few minutes visiting and talking to our residents, they enjoy the company. Residents always enjoy getting mail and this is an easy thing to do to make their days better. If you know someone in the facility, they would love to receive a card. This lets them know someone is thinking of them and keeping them in their prayers. This will also give you a blessing and lift your spirits. 

God Bless

Cindy L. Evans ADC  


Tammy Lewis is Odyssey Rehab's CNA for the month of October! She is always willing, ready and able to help the therapy department whenever in need. Tammy is sympathetic towards the residents and provides them with the best care possible!



I’ve been busy scanning Medical Record forms into our Point Click Care Electronic Health Record and the Desk Clerks have been busy filing those scanned forms in our resident’s purged records.  The forms being scanned into PCC are from our older records and can be easily accessed under the documents/misc. tab of PCC.  Any future forms will be completed electronically under the document manager section of PCC.

It’s been a time-consuming project but it will be great to have all forms in each resident EHR, (Electronic Health Record), either newly programmed in or scanned in.  It will 

take some time getting used to, but that’s the 

way of the future. 

Fran Hedrick, Medical Record Coordinator                                                                            



October 6th-12th was Food & Nutrition Services week. To celebrate, we gave out treats and had cake. Then during our departmental meeting for the month of October, we presented each employee with a t-shirt as an appreciation gift.



Fall is a wonderful time of year, with all the colors, and cooler temperatures.  Residents have been enjoying the trees changing.  They had fun at the pep rally held earlier this month, and enjoyed watching the volunteers make apple butter.

In the social services office, we continue to stay busy as always.  We have noticed recently that we have had some contact numbers that are not current.  As a responsible party, if your telephone number has changed, or your address has changed, please notify the Social Services Department.  If you would prefer to receive some contact via email, please let us know.  You can contact us between 8:00 and 5:00 Monday through Friday, or via telephone (304)-257-4233 ext. 5239 (Amy Rotruck), ext. 5242 (Ravenna Redman), or ext. 5243, Aimee Minor.

Hope you have a Happy Halloween.


Social Services Department