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July 2018




During a recent Management Team meeting, we all laughed when the comment was made that it’s less than six months to Christmas!  It is hard to believe we are half way through the year, but we try to remember that each and every day is a gift as we work toward the next deadline, project, or solution to issues we face in long term care. Our staff has endured many challenges regarding loss of loved ones, illness, and accidents, but the faith of this group of folks is like none other I have experienced in the workplace. Every morning we begin with the day’s objectives and then we pray for guidance and grace to meet those objectives.  I credit our success to these daily prayers.  We are also very blessed by a supportive Board of Directors.  These folks are dedicated to seeing that residents are provided the best care and that the employees have a great place to work.  Thank you to the following Board members for their continued years of service:

Reverend Richard “Dick” Longbon, Chairman: 21 years

Clayton Baker: 7 years            Charlie Combs: 5 years

Joe Evans: 7 years          Donnalie Hope: 10 years

Nan Kesner: 19 yearsBernadine Kessel: 13 years

Eileen Schell: 4 years           Roger Sites: 3 years

God Bless and have a great month,




GRCC’s Employee of the month for the month of July is Cassandra Hanlin, RN. Cassandra is our Health Service Supervisor. She has been employed at this facility for fourteen years. Cassandra has been married for five years and has a two-year-old son. She and her husband are expecting baby number two in February 2019. When she isn’t working, Cassandra enjoys reading, cooking, and helping out at the fire department.



Summer is here, and residents are enjoying it by sitting on the patio or the front porch when it isn’t too hot to be outside.  The Activity Department always does a picnic lunch for residents who can participate during this month to celebrate the 4th of July and the summer season. We divide the residents into two groups doing one group a day, and usually they have their meal in the activity room due to the heat outside during the noon meal. This year we plan on doing the dinners on July 24th and 25th. The meal will consist of hot dogs with chili, macaroni salad, chips, watermelon and a drink of their choosing from our soda machines. These meals have always been a big hit with our residents. 

On August 1st, we will have a float in the Tri-County Fair Parade and will have at least four of our residents riding on the float. We always ask a nurse to go with us on this night to make sure our residents stay safe. 

The annual lawn party is coming up on Saturday, August 25th from 4:00 until 7:00 p.m. There will be free entertainment by the Chinese Bandits from Cumberland, Md. , a car show, flea market and lots of good food to purchase. We will also have door prizes, and a 50/50 drawing (tickets will be for sale that evening or you may purchase them from activity staff). If you would like to have a flea market spot (cost is $10.00 and you will need to bring your own tables), contact the Activity Department (304-257-4233 ext. 225). If there is no answer, leave a message with your number, and we will return your call. 

Please plan to join us for this fun filled evening! This is a good time to spend with friends or family who are residents here.  Residents need to have someone with them while out for the evening so please come and help them enjoy the celebration. All proceeds are used for extra activities and/or dinners (such as the picnic meals) for the residents. 

As always, we can use volunteers. If you have some extra time and you would like to share that time, please give us a call! We are also still taking applications for 2 part time jobs in the Activity Department, if interested in doing either of these things contact the Activity Department or visit our facility website. Thank You for your support of our residents and the Activity Department. God Bless each of you. We hope you have a good summer.

Barbara L. Mauzy ADC, Activity Director



We would like to welcome back to our department a former employee; Jennifer Alexander. Jennifer will be working as a Dietary Aide, and we are very pleased and excited to have her back with us. 

On July Fourth, we served up a special holiday meal chosen by our residents. That meal consisted of Chili Dogs, Macaroni Salad, Vegetable Sticks, Chips, Watermelon, and 

Deviled Eggs. 



Greetings from the Social Work Department of GRCC! Hope everyone had a blessed and wonderful 4th of July holiday, celebrating our Nation’s independence.

Independence is a fact or state of being independent. Independent means free from outside control and not depending on another’s authority. As Americans, we value our independence and making our own decisions. However, as we get older, our physical and mental abilities cause us to slowly lose our independence. It sometimes starts with not having the ability to dive at night, to eventually not driving at all, to maybe not being able to stay alone in our own homes that we have worked so hard to earn and live in. Our loved ones, and eventually ourselves will have to have time to adjust and mourn this lost independence. 

During this month celebrating independence, we need to be reminded that our residents lived a full vibrant life prior to being placed in our facility. They are used to making decisions for themselves, and as staff and family, we need to honor the decisions that they are making while trying to find a balance of maintaining safety for them in some cases. We need to help them to continue their vibrant life while staying with us.

As always, thank you for sharing your family members with us. We enjoy the privilege and gift of being part of their lives. Hope you have a wonderful July.



Firstly, I would like to welcome two new employees; Samantha Kisamore and Sierra Sites, to the Housekeeping Department. We are happy to have them aboard!

At this time, we are spring cleaning and waxing the floors throughout the facility. We encourage families to help out by going through closets to remove any items of clothing that may be too large or too small. This will allow residents to have adequate closet space. 

Also, please be reminded that any new items of clothing that is brought into the facility must first be taken to the laundry department to have the residents’ name placed in them.

Have a great summer from the housekeeping and laundry staff! 

Donna Carr, 

Laundry/Housekeeping Supervisor