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On February 1st, GRCC hosted its First Annual Employee Soup Cook-Off! Employees were encouraged to prepare their favorite homemade soup for a contest/fundraiser that accepted free-will offerings to benefit our new Resident Fund.

Among the participants were Beautician, DeAnna Evans; Director of Nursing, Ann Kielar; Medical Records Coordinator, Fran Hedrick; Nurse, Jeanie Carr; and Assistant Director of Nursing, Christina Thorne.

Of these five soup entries, the winner was Fran Hedrick who made a delicious Taco Soup! Administrator, Kari Evans presented Fran with her prize; a gift card from Sheetz!



The month of January was very busy and productive at GRCC.  We successfully completed our annual state survey and found that all the hard work we have been doing to prepare for survey has paid off. In addition, we achieved a deficiency free status for our Life Safety Survey.   


We continue to prepare for our upcoming Therapy Department renovation and our Board of Directors has determined that our new Therapy area will be dedicated as the Reverend Richard “Dick” Longbon Physical Rehabilitation Unit.  More details regarding the renovation and dedication will provided in the very near future. 


The GRCC Board of Directors will also be dedicating our Elder Housing area as the Terry Shobe Independent Living Campus in honor of our previous Administrator, Mr. Terry Shobe.  Terry served as Administrator for 34 years at GRCC and was instrumental in obtaining the certificate of need that permitted the County Commission to begin construction for the facility we have today. 


In closing, we also want to thank the many individuals that have recently sent memorials to us in honor of their friends and loved ones.  We are truly grateful and will continue to strive to provide the best care to the residents of the GRCC community.  Have a blessed month!





The Social Services Department provides a variety of services for our residents and their families.  We complete tours of the facility, and handle the admissions into the facility.  We also complete discharges and arrange for services for residents returning to the community.  We arrange family meetings.  We complete assessments of our residents and participate in care planning.  We also complete resident complaints/grievances for the residents and/or family members.    We assist families in completing the necessary Medicaid paperwork.  We assist residents in paying their bills.  We also are able to complete Medical Power of Attorney and/or Living Will documentation.  We visit with our residents and often they come in our office just to catch up.  It is a pleasure meeting the needs of our residents and their families.   


An old Chinese proverb, states, “If a family has an old person in it, it possesses a jewel.”  At the Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center, we are blessed to have many such jewels.  Each resident is full of a rich history of experiences, wisdom, and love.  They have so much to offer the community with their stories, and insightful antidotes.  In this month of Valentine’s and love, show your love to the residents, and give the gift of your time, and they will bless you with theirs. 


Thank you for sharing your jewels with us, because it is a blessing to be part of our residents’ lives.



Social Services




This month, the Nutrition Services Department would like to recognize our newest

Employee, Kay Adamson! Kay joins our team as an aide, and we are very excited

to welcome her aboard!

For Valentine’s Day, our staff prepared special pink, frosted cupcakes for the

residents to enjoy at lunchtime!


Also, February is Heart Healthy Month! Below are some ways to cut down on sodium:

  1. Eat out less. Home cooked meals will reduce the amount of processed foods.
  2. Incorporate more Fruits and Vegetables.
  3. Choose fresh foods over ready-to-eat, processed foods.
  4. Look for the Heart-Checkmark! Foods that the American Heart Association recognizes as Heart-Healthy options have this special label.




February’s Employee of the Month is Angie Engle. Angie has been a part of our staff since June 2012. She started out as a General Duty Aide and became our facility’s receptionist in February 2014. Angie and her husband of sixteen years, Brian, have two sons: Evan age; 15 and Ethan; age 10. She attends Riverside Church and enjoys doing crafts as well as spending time with her family.



Residents enjoyed a Valentine’s Day celebration with Big Macs, cheeseburgers, and French fries; depending on which they wanted. The meals were served on the 13th and 14th with a total of 59 residents participating. The meals were made possible by monetary donations from two separate groups for which we are very appreciative. The residents really enjoyed the meal.


On Thursday, February 15th, we welcomed the WV Kickers. It’s always a joy for the residents to see them perform.


The monthly Birthday Party was held on February 20th with Joyce Schetrom coming to play the piano and sing with them.


We are so thankful for all of our volunteers who come and make life more enjoyable for our residents.


As well as the special activities, we also have had all the regular daily activities that the residents enjoy such as bingo, flip, music & singing, worship services, Let’s Have Fun, and Jingo.



We are currently doing Spring Cleaning throughout the facility. Family & Friends are encouraged to help minimize clutter in resident rooms and closets.


Please be advised that due to fire codes, nothing can be stacked above the “Do Not Stack Above” tape line in the closets.