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April 2020




I want to take a moment to personally thank all of our residents, families, and staff! The last couple of months have been filled with many changes, unknowns, and sometimes scary moments.  A lot has been asked of us, but we have risen to the challenge!   I am so very proud of our community and our ability to come together as team.... as a family.... to do whatever we need to do to keep each other safe!

Stay Strong & God Bless each & every one of you!

Teresa Halliday




Hello, everyone! I hope you are all staying healthy and safe during this trying time. We here at GRCC are doing everything within our power to keep your family and loved ones happy and healthy.

I’m writing this note to inform you that this edition of our Newsletter will only be available online. This will be the case for the next month or so. However, once this pandemic is over and we are back to our usual routines, we will resume sending them out via mail.

Thank you for your patience and support!



We have been keeping busy with making sure the residents nutritional needs and preferences are being met during this time of quarantine. In addition, we have been collaborating with the Activities department to supply snacks for some of the one on one activities they are doing with our residents.

The special meal that we planned for Easter was well received. We are also planning to serve a special meal for Mother’s Day.



Hello from the Social Services Department!  There have been glimpses of Spring outside, which the residents are enjoying.   

The restrictive measures have been difficult for residents, families, and staff due to COVID-19.  We do want to note that we appreciate everything that you are doing to help us protect our residents. 

We have established Zoom meetings for families that would like to visit with their resident.  A Zoom meeting is an interactive visit through an electronic device, such as a laptop, tablet, or phone.  You can see and talk to the resident, and the resident is able to see you and talk to you as well.   The Zoom application is free.  These visitations have been very well received, and residents have greatly enjoyed them.  If you would be interested in setting up one of these visits, please contact Social Services at extensions- 5242 or 5243 or the Activities Department at extension 5225.

Due to the recent limitations of bringing things to residents, we are trying to pick up some of the items that residents are used to receiving.  If you used to bring something to your resident, or when you speak to your resident, and they are asking for the item, please contact Social Services and we will see if we can add that to our list.  We are not buying perishable items.  We are buying items like soda, candy, gum, etc.  We will pick up those items.  The facility will send those additional expenses on your next bill.

Please note that Amy Rotruck is currently working from home during this time.  She is not available at extension 5239.  (We are greatly missing her!)  So if you are trying to get a hold of us in Social Services please note these are our extensions:  Ravenna- 5242, and Aimee Minor-5243.  We can also be reached via our email- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you again for helping us protect our residents at this time.  Happy Spring!

Social Services Department



The month of March was a little different due to the COVID 19 virus social distancing requirements.  Although the group activities had to be changed to avoid close resident contact. The activity staff planned interesting activities that would be exciting for the resident.

Some of the activities residents enjoyed were baking cookies (which were served to the staff and residents), there was a sing along with the piano being played by one of the activity staff. Residents watched live bird and animal videos and some enjoyed coloring pictures. Some of the residents had fun making cards for their families.

The activity staff will continue to provide exciting activities for the residents not only to keep them occupied, but to keep them refreshed.



The Employee of the Month for the month of April is CNA Jessica Simmons. Jessica has been employed here at GRCC for fifteen years.

Jessica and her husband Patrick have one son; Mason who is eight and a half months old. They also have one pet, a Pug named Albert.

Jessica likes spending time with her family, and she attends the First Baptist Church in Petersburg.