June 2020
We would like to welcome two new members to our crew. Joining our team as Dietary Aides are Kathie Langham and Chloe Evans. Welcome, ladies!
In addition, we have three graduates this year! Congratulations to these three young ladies who work in the Food & Nutrition Services Department; Kacie Valkos, Amber Goldizen, and Tanisha Henry!
As the quarantine requirements continue to impact GRCC. May was another month that the activity staff had fun providing exciting/interesting entertainment for the residents and staff. May was also the month of National Nursing Home Week. There were many different types of music and a lot of crazy costumes that the activity staff selected in hope that it would bring laughter and enjoyment to the residents and staff. Some of the costume themes were the 50’s (Poodle Skirts), YMCA, Cotton Eye Joe, Watermelon Crawl, Beach Boys, Down-On the Farm, Mississippi Squirrel, Macarena Dance and many more. Refreshing snacks were served each day. One of the refreshing snacks that was really enjoyed by the residents and staff was snow cones which was served with their favorite flavor of syrup. It was an exciting activity month at GRCC.
This month’s Employee of the Month is Tiffany Freed. Tiffany has been employed here for three months. In her free time, she likes spending time with her family. She has two sons, Zaiden; age six and Jason; age two.
Tiffany is also Odyssey Rehab's aide of the month! Tiffany is a GDA who has excellent resident rapport. She takes extra time to bond and develop strong relationships with each resident.
May 2020
It has been a difficult few months for everyone as we try to navigate through the day to day changes with recommendations and regulations related to Covid-19. CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid) has begun to set out some guidelines for easing up on the current regulations set fourth for nursing homes. The guidelines are set out in phases similar to that which the Governor has set for the state. Unfortunately, this will be a long process and appears we are still a couple months from visitation. We will continue keep everyone updated as we go through these phases.
We appreciate everyone’s cooperation and support during this time and hopefully sometime soon we can all be together again. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns. Our top priority has been and will always be the safety and well-being of our residents!
Thank You,
Teresa Halliday, LNHA
On Mother’s Day, we served a special meal chosen by our residents. It consisted of Meatloaf, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans, Hot Roll, & Cheesecake.
Residents have voted on a special meal for Father’s Day. It is as follows: Country Fried Steak, w/Cream Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Hot Roll, Blackberry Cobbler.
April was an exciting month for the residents and staff at GRCC. The facility had to continue the quarantine requirements, so the activity staff had fun providing exciting entertainment throughout the month. Residents had the opportunity to send an Easter card and picture to their family. The Easter cards were donated and facility mailed out 49 cards.
Other activities included “getting lost in the fifties”, meeting the nine to five essential workers and even fishing in the safety of the facility. The residents and staff enjoyed the refreshing desserts that were served along with the different types of costumes, music and dancing that the activity staff provided for a fun time with smiles and laughs.
Judy Redman is Odyssey Rehab's May CNA of the month! She is a CNA as well as a restorative aide who assists with the restorative ambulation and restorative dining programs. Judy is attentive and patient with the residents and always puts their needs first! She communicates closely with the therapy team whenever a resident is in need of therapy services
April 2020
I want to take a moment to personally thank all of our residents, families, and staff! The last couple of months have been filled with many changes, unknowns, and sometimes scary moments. A lot has been asked of us, but we have risen to the challenge! I am so very proud of our community and our ability to come together as team.... as a family.... to do whatever we need to do to keep each other safe!
Stay Strong & God Bless each & every one of you!
Teresa Halliday
Hello, everyone! I hope you are all staying healthy and safe during this trying time. We here at GRCC are doing everything within our power to keep your family and loved ones happy and healthy.
I’m writing this note to inform you that this edition of our Newsletter will only be available online. This will be the case for the next month or so. However, once this pandemic is over and we are back to our usual routines, we will resume sending them out via mail.
Thank you for your patience and support!
We have been keeping busy with making sure the residents nutritional needs and preferences are being met during this time of quarantine. In addition, we have been collaborating with the Activities department to supply snacks for some of the one on one activities they are doing with our residents.
The special meal that we planned for Easter was well received. We are also planning to serve a special meal for Mother’s Day.
Hello from the Social Services Department! There have been glimpses of Spring outside, which the residents are enjoying.
The restrictive measures have been difficult for residents, families, and staff due to COVID-19. We do want to note that we appreciate everything that you are doing to help us protect our residents.
We have established Zoom meetings for families that would like to visit with their resident. A Zoom meeting is an interactive visit through an electronic device, such as a laptop, tablet, or phone. You can see and talk to the resident, and the resident is able to see you and talk to you as well. The Zoom application is free. These visitations have been very well received, and residents have greatly enjoyed them. If you would be interested in setting up one of these visits, please contact Social Services at extensions- 5242 or 5243 or the Activities Department at extension 5225.
Due to the recent limitations of bringing things to residents, we are trying to pick up some of the items that residents are used to receiving. If you used to bring something to your resident, or when you speak to your resident, and they are asking for the item, please contact Social Services and we will see if we can add that to our list. We are not buying perishable items. We are buying items like soda, candy, gum, etc. We will pick up those items. The facility will send those additional expenses on your next bill.
Please note that Amy Rotruck is currently working from home during this time. She is not available at extension 5239. (We are greatly missing her!) So if you are trying to get a hold of us in Social Services please note these are our extensions: Ravenna- 5242, and Aimee Minor-5243. We can also be reached via our email- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Thank you again for helping us protect our residents at this time. Happy Spring!
Social Services Department
The month of March was a little different due to the COVID 19 virus social distancing requirements. Although the group activities had to be changed to avoid close resident contact. The activity staff planned interesting activities that would be exciting for the resident.
Some of the activities residents enjoyed were baking cookies (which were served to the staff and residents), there was a sing along with the piano being played by one of the activity staff. Residents watched live bird and animal videos and some enjoyed coloring pictures. Some of the residents had fun making cards for their families.
The activity staff will continue to provide exciting activities for the residents not only to keep them occupied, but to keep them refreshed.
The Employee of the Month for the month of April is CNA Jessica Simmons. Jessica has been employed here at GRCC for fifteen years.
Jessica and her husband Patrick have one son; Mason who is eight and a half months old. They also have one pet, a Pug named Albert.
Jessica likes spending time with her family, and she attends the First Baptist Church in Petersburg.
March 2020
At Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center we take the health and safety of our residents seriously. Due to the increase in confirmed cases of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in surrounding states, GRCC will be restricting all visitation until further notice as a safety precaution for our residents and staff.
We are asking for your assistance in helping our residents during this time. Please be mindful of what information about COVID-19 you are discussing with the residents, only present facts from the CDC or WVDHHR instead of media/social media hype. If you need help speaking about COVID-19 or have questions, please reach out to the CDC at 1-800-232-4636 or Danielle Berg, RN/Infection Preventionist at (304)257-4233 x5114.
We encourage you to reach out to your loved one via phone. We are diligently working to set up a video chat option and will notify you when this becomes available.
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.
Danielle Berg, RN/Infection Preventionist
We’ve been staying busy in our department with everyday meal prep and service. In addition to this, we provided refreshments for the new Family Council this month.
Joining us this month are four new employees, Isaac Barger, Morgan Myers, Adrian Ours, and Tanisha Henry. Welcome all!
At our March residents’ council, the special Easter meal was chosen. It is as follows: Baked Ham, Sweet Potato Casserole, Broccoli, Hot Roll, and Cherry Pie w/Ice Cream.
Also, be aware that Spring and Summer menus are set to begin in early May.
The coronavirus disease has been on everyone’s radar for the last couple of weeks. Our facility is taking steps to protect our residents. Our residents are in the higher risk category for the virus, due to their age, and the fact that they have serious chronic medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and lung disease. They have compromised immune systems which prevents them from fighting illness. Due to these reasons, the facility has tried to be very proactive in our care. We have prohibited visitation. Staff and vendors are going through a screening process before they provide care to our residents. A resource regarding the Coronavirus is https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html.
Prohibiting visitation is a double edge sword for our residents. Yes, it is protecting them, but they are missing their relatives, and visitors that they are used to seeing on a regular basis. At this time, all of us need to become creative for visiting. Residents enjoy receiving cards, and letters. They also enjoy receiving telephone calls. The facility is also willing to coordinate with family regarding technology, such as Facetime, or Skype so that you can see resident’s in real time. We will also coordinate if you would like to see your resident at the windows. If you would be interested in that, please contact Social Services or the Activities Department.
Thank you for being cooperative and understanding during this time. We greatly appreciate your assistance in caring for our residents.
Activities had many Valentine related groups in February. A Valentines lunch was held for a large group of our residents. They enjoyed fried chicken, macaroni salad, chips, and soda with cherry pie for dessert. There were also games with Valentine themes.
We’ve had extra singing and active games along with all of the regular groups that come weekly. The new book club group is being enjoyed by regular attendees as well. Furthermore, we have just started a small painting group and are excited to see what the response will be.
The residents do enjoy receiving cards and they look forward to getting mail all the time not just on Holidays, so if you would like to brighten their day and you know of someone in the facility, drop them a card.
God Bless,
Cindy L. Evans ADC
The Employee of the Month for the month of March is Cheryl Heavener. Cheryl is a General Duty Aide here at GRCC. She’s been employed for two years and five months. She enjoys her work very much.
Cheryl has been married to Joseph for twenty-eight years. They have two children; Jerry and Michelle, and three grandchildren; William, Mason, & Drakely.
In addition to her family, Cheryl has three pets; a Shih-Tzu named Sassy, a Pomeranian named Buddy, and an Australian Shepherd named Oreo.
She likes to spend her time with family or sewing and attends Landmark Holiness Tabernacle.
Tammy Eckard is Odyssey Rehab's March CNA of the month! Tammy is a restorative aide/CNA who assists at the restorative table, with the different restorative programs, or wherever she is needed to fill in. She is a hard worker who sincerely cares about her residents and wants what is best for them. Tammy communicates with the therapy team when there is a patient in need of skilled therapy services.
February 2020
I wanted to take a moment to let everyone in the Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center family know how excited I am to be a part of your community! I was born and raised in Parkersburg, West Virginia and remained there for over 30 years. West Virginia has always been home to me and I couldn’t be any more ecstatic to be returning to the state I love! My husband and I are looking forward to our move from North Carolina to Petersburg with our two Australian Shepherds and getting to know all of you!
Best Regards,
Teresa Halliday
I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Board of Trustees for allowing me the opportunity to advance into the position of acting administrator and supporting me the past three and half months. This privilege has provided me with the experience and knowledge to grow in my nursing career as well as a future in administration. A special thanks to all the employees that have supported me and those that had added duties during this time. I want to welcome Teresa Halliday to our GRCC team. I look forward to working with Teresa as our new Administrator.
Christina Thorne, RN, DON
February’s Employee of the Month is Lisa Barb. Lisa is a CNA and has been employed here at GRCC for twenty-four years.
She and her husband Ashby have two children; Sierra and Lance. In addition to her children, they have one dog; Paco. In her free time, Lisa enjoys hiking.
Michelle McDowell is Odyssey Rehab's February CNA of the month! She is dependable and refers residents to therapy when needed. Michelle is willing to do what is best for the residents.
We have been trying to set up a Family Council on behalf of the facility. A Family Council is an independent, self-determining group of Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center residents’ families and friends. It will be geared to family member’s needs and interests, democratically governed by family members of residents, and sponsored by our Social Services Department. Its goals would be to protect and improve the quality of resident’s life in our facility, provide an opportunity to identify, address and resolve issues for residents, and provide support for Council members and for families of new residents. The Family Council would be able to provide feedback to the facility in order to advocate for their family members, and to improve resident’s care.
We would like to cordially invite you to a Meet and Greet at our facility’s chapel on March 10, 2020 at 6:00 PM to discuss setting up a Family Council. If you have any questions, or would like to have more information, please contact Ravenna Redman, MSW/DOSS at Social Services office at (304)-257-4233, ext. 5242.
The week of January 19-26 was Activity Professional Week, and I wanted to recognize my staff for the wonderful job that they all do. I am blessed to have four enthusiastic ladies working with me in the department. They all bring different talents and personalities to the job; giving the residents days filled with joy, meaning, and a good quality of life. I know as the Activity Director, having these ladies as my staff makes my job much easier; and the department would not be the same without them. They are a blessing to the residents and to me.
As always if you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please call and I would be glad to talk to you about it. You would be a blessing to someone, and you would receive a blessing just by spending time with our residents.
God Bless
Cindy L. Evans Activity Director
We are proud to announce that GRCC has successfully completed a full year without any lost time due to workplace accidents or injuries!
As a reward, our staff was treated to pizza from Little Caesars on February 19, 2020.
January 2020
January’s Employee of the Month is Elisabeth Hedrick. Elisabeth is a Food & Nutrition Services’ Aide. She has worked here at GRCC since March 2018 while also attending Petersburg High School.
Elisabeth is the youngest of four children, having three brothers. She’s an active member in her 4-H chapter and enjoys spending time with her family and friends. In addition to her family, she has several pets including a hamster named Gypsy and five German shepherds; Grace, Honey, Max, Jax, & Harley.
Gina McDonald is Odyssey Rehab's January CNA of the month! Gina is a hard worker and is able to adapt to any situation she is presented with. She cares for the residents and collaborates with the therapy team regarding patient care.
December was a month of doing things a bit differently due to being quarantined. We did get to take the residents who wanted to see the lights in the City Park and Welton Park out to do so on the 3rd of December. Upon returning to the facility, they had snacks of cookies and hot chocolate or coffee. They all enjoyed this time as it brought back many memories.
We worked out on the halls doing activities and passed out many gifts from the community and churches. This brightened their days. We also had Denver the Elf come in to pick up the toys that were bought for “Toys for Happiness” by the residents. They donate what they want from their winnings at games they play. Our residents have been doing this for many years. This year they donated $300.00 in nickels to be spent on the toys.
Danielle Berg, Christina Thorne, and some of the nursing staff baked and passed out cookies for the residents to enjoy, this was an enjoyable time for staff and residents alike. The residents were able to enjoy Christmas and New Years with their families.
We in the Activity Department wish everyone a joyous New Year and hope that you will think of spending some time with our residents, enriching their lives. You will be a blessing and receive even more of a blessing.
Happy New Year & God Bless,
Cindy L. Evans ADC
The holidays are usually busy times for the Nutrition Service’s Department. We served special meals for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Years Day. We’d like to thank all of the family and friends who joined our residents for these meals. We hope you enjoyed them!
We welcomed four new employees to our department over the last couple of months. Joining our team as Cooks/Bakers are Diana Layton and Chelsea Shirk, and as Aides; Amber Goldizen and Treasure Smith. Welcome aboard ladies!
December 2019
Paige Halterman is Odyssey Rehab's December CNA of the Month! Paige is always eager to help and does what is best for the residents. She is friendly and is never seen without a smile on her face.
The Activity Department has been busy getting the residents involved in many things. We had all of the regular groups and the active games which the residents love to be involved in.
We took some of our residents on a day shopping trip to Winchester, Va. They had a wonderful time—shopped till they dropped and had lunch at Chick-fa-la in the mall. We also did a small shopping trip to the Doller General Store in town.
The monthly Birthday party was held with refreshments of cookies, chips, & soda. We also did an afternoon of hot biscuits and homemade Apple Butter.
We have a volunteer who has been coming once a month to do a craft activity and has even done a small painting group.
The 100 hall has been enjoying music, playing instruments, singing and laughing. They are also still doing lots of other groups that bring back memories.
We thank all who come in at any time to help make the residents day go better. The residents do enjoy getting mail so if you know someone here they would enjoy receiving a card just thinking of you brings a smile to their faces.
God Bless you
The Activity Department
Cindy L. Evans ADC
November 2019
November’s Employee of the Month is Debra Wratchford. Deb is one of our dedicated General Duty Aides. She has worked here for six years.
Debra has been married to Warren for thirty-six years. They have one daughter; Angela and one cat; Misty.
In her free time, Deb enjoys spending time with Eli & Olivia as well as reading, shopping, and going out to eat. She also attends the Church of the Brethren.
Jessica Simmons is Odyssey Rehab's November CNA of the month! She is hard worker and kindhearted. Jessica advocates for her residents and is always willing to go the extra mile to make sure they have the best care!
Snow is currently blowing outside, and we are starting to have our first real cold temperatures of the season, which leads us into thinking about the holidays. Thanksgiving will be coming up, and soon after – Christmas.
The facility does make arrangements if families would like to come and eat with their resident for Christmas. Resident Council takes great effort in choosing the holiday meals. If you want to eat with your family member on the holiday, please contact Shelia Phares at ext. 5227 or Jennifer Sites at ext. 5246 or Amanda VanMeter at ext. 5223, so that we can add you to the count. We would love for you to eat with your family member. There is a $7.00 fee for the meal.
During this time of year, we also have family members asking for ideas for presents for our residents. Here are some ideas:
1. Clothes: Please reach out to our CNAs and they can give you an idea of what sizes to buy for your residents. We often recommend sweatshirts and sweatpants, because they are easy for residents to put on and take off. In addition, it helps them keep warm. Undershirts and socks are extremely helpful. Also be aware that we have to wash our clothing in very hot water, and they are dried in hot temperatures, please be wary of fabrics that have the tendency to shrink. If you do bring in clothing, please take it directly to the laundry so that it can be labeled immediately, so that it will not get lost. Please go through your residents clothing, and remove any old clothing. Please let the CNAs be aware, so that our inventory sheets can be updated.
2. Coloring Books, Find-a-Word puzzle books: We have several residents that love these books. Activities would also appreciate the donations as well.
3. MP3 Players/IPODS: We have had donations of MP3 players and we have been able to download different genres of music. It has been amazing how residents have enjoyed listening to everything from gospel, swing, and Elvis Presley.
4. Dolls and stuffed animals are appropriate: There are animatronic cats and dogs which all residents seem to enjoy interacting with. In addition, some dementia residents truly enjoy holding baby dolls, and stuffed animals.
5. TVs: Cable in the facility costs $8.00. TVs should not be any larger than 32 inches. We request for TVs to be headset adaptable. Our residents share rooms with each other, and often they do not like to watch the same program. If they use the headsets, they can watch their program, and enhance their hearing. Televisions needs to be turned off at 10:00 pm so that they and their roommates can get some sleep.
6. Gift Certificates: Gift certificates for cable and for the beauty shop can be made available at the business office, if you would like to give your resident a haircut, perm, or hair color.
7. Newspaper Membership: If your resident enjoyed reading their community paper, buy them a year’s membership to be delivered to the facility. Our address is 127 Early Avenue, Petersburg, WV 26847.
8. Books: We have residents that are avid readers, liking mystery, westerns, and romances. It would be a nice gift idea.
Please be wary of food items, including candy or fruit baskets. We have residents that are diabetic, or have restricted diets which includes varying textures. IF you would like to bring in these items for your resident, check with their nurse to make sure the candy and/or fruit is appropriate for their diets.
If you have any other questions regarding gifts for our residents, please contact us in the Social Services office.
Hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Social Services Department
The month of October was a very busy month. We had two days of working to make Apple Butter. One day was spent cutting apples and the next day was spent making the butter and putting it into jars. We needed lots of help this is a job and we could not do it without our volunteers. We made 70 quarts and 80 pints of applebutter which was all sold by the end of October.
We had the monthly Birthday Party and the Harmans were, once again, here to sing and play for the residents. We also took some residents shopping; we went to the mall in Winchester, Va and had lunch at Chick-fila. A fun time was had by all the residents.
Remember all of the residents enjoy mail, and they would love to receive a card; so if you know anyone in the facility please drop them a card especially with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming. If anyone is interested in becoming a volunteer please stop in to the Activity Office and talk to us. It will be a blessing to the resident and you will also receive a blessing.
God Bless
Cindy L. Evans ADC
October 2019
As many of you already know, I will be stepping down as Administrator of Grant Rehab & Care Center on November 15th, 2019. I have truly enjoyed my experience as a member of this team. The Board of Directors and Staff of this facility are some of the best people I have had an opportunity to work with in my career. I will be transitioning to Grant Memorial in December and look forward to continuing to work in this community.
As the Board of Directors begin their search for my replacement, please keep them and the staff in your prayers. I am confident that the good Lord will send the right person to continue the work that has been going on here at GRCC. Leadership positions can often be lonely, but here at GRCC, you are not alone. The management team and staff are family. Maybe we are not directly related, but family isn’t only about blood relatives. It’s about support, love, kindness, and an occasional difference of opinion. That is exactly what we do at GRCC. We may sometimes disagree, but we come together to support, love, and show kindness to our residents and each other in a way that is unlike any other community.
I have learned so much about long term care in the time that I have been here. Very few people know just how busy and stressful the job of long-term care can be. I encourage each of you to support not only the nursing home, but all of our healthcare workers in this community. It is an honorable and noble characteristic to want to care for others. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this community and a part of GRCC.
With much love and respect,
October’s Employee of the Month is Jodi Cook. Jodi is a Certified Nursing Assistant and has been employed at GRCC for sixteen years. She is currently a Desk Clerk and our transportation scheduler.
Jodi has one son, Kyler, who is fourteen years old. In addition to working here at GRCC, she also works part-time at Family Traditions in Petersburg.
When not working, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends.
September was a good month for activities! All of our regular activities were all well attended. We have also been doing a group activity once a month. These activities consists of active games which the residents have been very excited about.
In addition, we made Fried Green Tomatoes and the girls made No-Bake Cookies with the residents. Food-themed group activities always bring back a lot of memories for our residents. They enjoy talking about the times they made the recipes.
We want to thank the Friends of the Allegheny Mt Top Public Library in Mt. Storm Wv for the wonderful and useful donation. Many items were given to residents and put in resident areas for residents’ use.
We encourage anyone who wants to brighten someone’s day to spend a few minutes visiting and talking to our residents, they enjoy the company. Residents always enjoy getting mail and this is an easy thing to do to make their days better. If you know someone in the facility, they would love to receive a card. This lets them know someone is thinking of them and keeping them in their prayers. This will also give you a blessing and lift your spirits.
God Bless
Cindy L. Evans ADC
Tammy Lewis is Odyssey Rehab's CNA for the month of October! She is always willing, ready and able to help the therapy department whenever in need. Tammy is sympathetic towards the residents and provides them with the best care possible!
I’ve been busy scanning Medical Record forms into our Point Click Care Electronic Health Record and the Desk Clerks have been busy filing those scanned forms in our resident’s purged records. The forms being scanned into PCC are from our older records and can be easily accessed under the documents/misc. tab of PCC. Any future forms will be completed electronically under the document manager section of PCC.
It’s been a time-consuming project but it will be great to have all forms in each resident EHR, (Electronic Health Record), either newly programmed in or scanned in. It will
take some time getting used to, but that’s the
way of the future.
Fran Hedrick, Medical Record Coordinator
October 6th-12th was Food & Nutrition Services week. To celebrate, we gave out treats and had cake. Then during our departmental meeting for the month of October, we presented each employee with a t-shirt as an appreciation gift.
Fall is a wonderful time of year, with all the colors, and cooler temperatures. Residents have been enjoying the trees changing. They had fun at the pep rally held earlier this month, and enjoyed watching the volunteers make apple butter.
In the social services office, we continue to stay busy as always. We have noticed recently that we have had some contact numbers that are not current. As a responsible party, if your telephone number has changed, or your address has changed, please notify the Social Services Department. If you would prefer to receive some contact via email, please let us know. You can contact us between 8:00 and 5:00 Monday through Friday, or via telephone (304)-257-4233 ext. 5239 (Amy Rotruck), ext. 5242 (Ravenna Redman), or ext. 5243, Aimee Minor.
Hope you have a Happy Halloween.
Social Services Department
September 2019
“This is my favorite time of the year!”
I have heard that statement made by numerous residents, co-workers, friends, and family. Do you ever wonder why so many people enjoy the fall season? Is it because we need a break from the summer heat or that we anticipate the beautiful color change that occurs in nature? Could it be that folks prefer the slowed pace of daylight savings that brings shorter days, or is it the hustle and bustle of preparing for the upcoming holidays that make this their favorite time of year?
Growing up on a farm, I remember that this time of year was welcomed. My grandparents were ready for a break from haymaking, garden tending, and canning the produce from summer’s bountiful crops. We spent more time inside cooking and baking and watching re-runs of the Andy Griffith show. Actually, my Grandma spent more time cooking and baking, and I was the official taste tester and bowl cleaner! Whatever the reason may be for this being your favorite time of year, Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “There is a time for everything; and a season for every activity under the heavens.”
My hope is that you are enjoying each day and each season and are thankful for each blessing. We are thankful for each of you, whether you are a resident, family member, co-worker, or friend.
Many blessings,
September’s Employee of the Month is Lisa Thompson! Lisa has been a CNA here at GRCC for the past fourteen years.
She and her husband, Jeromy have been married for fifteen years. She has three children (Marie, Nikki, and Joey) and four grandchildren (Maddy, Bailey, Karley, and Jameson). In addition, Lisa also has three pets; two cats and a dog.
Lisa says her favorite thing to do is spend time with her grandchildren.
August was a very good month for activities. We had excellent attendance and participation from the residents! Both residents and staff had lots of fun. Our new activity, Book Club, started by Shandra Hottinger; Activity Aid, is doing very well. The residents enjoy the stories and the conversations that follow.
Our monthly Birthday Party was held on the 21st. The Harmans were here to sing and play for the residents who love to hear them. Of course, the Harmans also enjoy coming, to entertain whenever they are able. They travel all the way from Grottoes, Va.
We also, throughout the month, have had Root Beer Floats and Ice Cream Cones for residents and staff. These activities brought back good memories for the residents and were enjoyed by all.
August 24th was the Annual Lawn Party. This was a successful day! We had Raw Country here to entertain, good food sold by The Lions Club; Petersburg Church of God’s Kid Zone; Janet Crites’ homemade candy; Country Roads Catering’s Homemade Pie and Ice Cream, and our activities department sold soft drinks and water. We also had an antique car/truck show we had twenty-three vehicles on display. Lots of people from the community attended and lots of residents came out with family to enjoy the evening.
Remember if you are interested in volunteering, please stop by and we will show you how! Be a blessing to someone today!
God Bless,
Cindy L. Evans, ADC
Happy Fall Y’all!
One of our favorite parts of our job is working with residents and family regarding our resident’s care. Family’s input is vital to a resident’s adjustment, and progress in the facility. We start this at the beginning, through the admission meeting. We also try to continue this process through care plan meetings which are scheduled around every three months. We invite responsible family members to attend care plan meetings. However, if your family member is capacitated, they are invited to attend the meetings, and a letter is not sent out. Recently, we have had several residents requesting for their family member to receive notice so they can attend.
If you would like to participate, please let our office know. We usually have care plan meetings on Thursdays, but they can be scheduled to accommodate the family’s schedule. During the care plan meeting, representatives from all the disciplines attend to discuss the resident’s progress. A care plan meeting can be scheduled at any time necessary in order to meet the resident’s needs.
The care plan letter that is sent out, has the date for the care plan. If you are unable to attend the meeting, the letter has a blank section where you can list your concerns, and mail it back so that we can still receive your feedback regarding care. You are also entitled to receive a copy of the care plan, and you can pick that selection as well.
You may also receive a survey regarding your resident’s care.
Please complete these items and send them back to us. We review all of them, and use the feedback to improve our care. If you have any questions, regarding the forms, please contact our office, and we will assist you.
Family involvement is crucial to providing the best care for our residents, and your participation is wanted, and valued.
Social Services Department
Tina Crites is Odyssey Rehab's September CNA of the Month! Tina is a kindhearted and compassionate CNA whom always puts her residents first. Tina works close with the Therapy staff and refers residents to therapy as needed in order for them to receive the most adequate care possible!
As the autumn weather is quickly approaching, so is cold and flu season. Please do not visit our residents for any reason if you have any of the following symptoms: fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, runny nose, congestion. Our residents are not able to fight against infections without your help. Annual flu vaccines for our residents will be administered starting October 27, 2019. Please stop in the facility to electronically sign the flu and pneumonia vaccine consents. We appreciate your help in keeping our residents healthy. If you have any questions, please reach out to Danielle Berg, RN/Infection Preventionist.
We will be participating in trick or treat night again this year! Don’t forget to stop by with your children and let our residents give them a treat!
We will be making homemade apple butter on October 15th 16th, 2019.
Anyone who would like to help or buy apple butter, please contact the Activities Department @ (304) 257-4233 ext. 5225.
August 2019
Hello! I want to give a huge shout out to the nursing staff of GRCC. We recently launched our electronic medication administration program and thanks to the nurses, it has been a great success. The staff of GRCC continues to develop better process to provide the best care to our residents. The staff was treated with special dessert as our way of showing appreciation for their efforts. Way to go team!
This month, our Governing Board welcomes three new Trustees to the GRCC Board of Directors. We extended a warm welcome to Bob Cooper, Nan Smith, and Eddie Sites. The new board members had the opportunity to meet with the management team at GRCC where a wonderful lunch was provided by Sheila, Jenny, and the Dietary Staff. We are very blessed to have active and energetic folks to offer their time and talents in ensuring our facility is successful for years to come.
GRCC is also working toward the installation of new equipment and software to better protect our residents from falls and acute illness onset. We will begin a trial of a product called Early Sense that enables the staff provide a higher level of monitoring for residents on our 400 wing. If this proves successful, we will evaluate using this product throughout our building. We always invite suggestions and comments from our residents, family members, and community on ideas to better serve you.
God Bless and have a great month,
August’s Employee of the Month is General Duty Aide, Robin Riggleman. Robin has been employed here for two years and nine months.
Robin is married to Denver. They’ve been married for fifteen years. She has one son, four step-children, one granddaughter, and fourteen step-grandchildren. In addition to her family, Robin has a cat named Scooter and two dogs; Ollie and Waylon.
In her free time, Robin enjoys walking and shopping. She also attends Living Hope Baptist Church.
The month of July was an exciting month, we had all of our regular activity groups and they were all well attended. This year we added a new outing to Tri-County Fair week, my staff and I took thirteen residents over two days to the Fair. We toured the barns and looked at all of the livestock and the young people taking care of them and showing them. The residents also got to go in the Exhibit building and look at the items on display. The residents had a wonderful time visiting with many local people who were at the fair.
We also drove the new facility van thru the Tri-County Fair Parade with five residents and the Activity Staff. The parade goers waved to the residents and called out the names of those they knew were in the van. The residents waved, laughed, and talked while riding in the van. A good time was had by all. The Tri-County Fair Parade is a yearly event for the Activity Department, weather permitting.
This month we also enjoyed having fried bread. The residents made homemade butter to eat on the bread! We also had homemade apple butter. This activity was enjoyed by many residents and staff alike. The making of homemade butter and fried bread brought back many good memories for the residents.
As always, we encourage visitors to come see family and friends. We also encourage pet visits, however, before a pet can be brought into the facility, we need a copy of the pets shot record from the Veterinarian. It will be kept in the Activity office on file. A new one will need to be brought in after each pet doctor visit.
We are asking that if anyone is interested in volunteering, please stop by the facility and pick up a application. You will receive a blessing and be a blessing.
God Bless
Cindy L. Evans ADC
The summer months are quickly passing, and soon we will be looking at pumpkins, and enjoying the fall colors.
We are preparing for the fall weather, which of course includes Flu Season. We are starting a new process this year. Instead of mailing the flu consents and flu vaccine information, we are requesting responsible parties to stop in at the Social Services office.
We will provide you information regarding the flu vaccine, but we will be signing the consents electronically. Some of you have already did so, and if so, thank you for being proactive.
If you haven’t, please stop by our office between 8:00 AM- 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. If you need to come in later, we will gladly schedule an appointment time to meet with you in order to get the consents completed. Please call (304)-257-4233, ext. 5239 (Amy Rotruck), ext. 5242 (Ravenna Redman), or ext. 5243 (Aimee Minor) to set up the appointment.
Have a blessed end of summer!
Social Services Department
The Nutrition Service’s Department helped with the ice cream social last month by providing ice cream and an assortment of toppings for staff and residents to create their own sundaes.
We also provided lunch for the luncheon welcoming the new Trustees to our Board of Directors.
I’ve been busy programming our Medical Record forms into the Document Manager Module of our Medical Record software which continues to fulfill my focus toward a total EHR (Electronic Health Record). I am very proud to report, with Aimee Minor’s help, most of our admission paperwork has changed to electronic signatures making the admission process smoother and less time consuming for residents and/or family members. Thanks to Aimee Minor, Social Worker, for assisting me with this project. I will continue to strive for all of our forms needing signatures to be programmed into the Document Manager section of our computerized Medical Record software. This new process will shorten the time involved with signing forms during our admission process. Thank you to ALL for your patience and understanding with the staff here at GRCC as we make this transition a success.
E-MARS I am also very proud to inform everyone that our nurses have taken a huge leap with the conversion of a paper MAR (Medication Administration Record) to an EMAR (Electronic Medication Administration Record). As of 8/1/19, we are recording medication administration through an electronic (computer) method. The nurses have been a little nervous but very cooperative and excited about this conversion which is a huge step in GRCC moving forward with a total EHR (Electronic Health Record). This has been a very challenging process but I am happy to report, we did it! I want to say THANKS to Kari Evans, Administrator, Christina Thorne, DON, Cassandra Hanlin, ADON, and Crystal Grapes, Corporate Compliance/Human Resources, for their support and cooperation in the setup process and the many hours spent getting ready for the “GO LIVE” EMAR conversion date. A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR NURSES for their cooperation, understanding, and commitment to make this change also a success. GREAT JOB!!!
Fran Hedrick, Medical Record Coordinator
Val Crites is Odyssey's August CNA of the Month! She is always willing to lend a helping hand when needed and treats her residents with respect and dignity.
She is a great team player and communicates well with the Therapy Department regarding the residents whom are on caseload or may be in need of therapy services.
July 2019
It is hard to believe we are half way through the year, but we know that each and every day is a gift as we work toward the next deadline, project, or solution to issues we face in long term care. We hope that all of our readers had an enjoyable 4th of July holiday. This month has brought some interesting weather to our region. Some of our staff were impacted by flooding but our facility was fortunate to continue normal operations. We are thankful for those employees that made every effort to be here during the recent flooding, as well as those that could not due to safety concerns.
We continue to work towards an expansion that provides the community more access to long term healthcare when it is needed. This will be a lengthy process and much detail must go into the planning and renovation of our structure. While we are still in the early stages of planning, we will continue to provide updates regarding our progress.
Finally, there are many opportunities at our facility for community members to make a difference in the lives of others. Volunteers provide residents in long term care a sense of integrity, stability, and contentment, which enhances the other service lines within the organization. If you or someone you know would like to volunteer at GRCC and make a difference in the lives of others, we encourage you to contact us for more information.
Have a great month!
July’s Employee of the Month is Karen Parsons. Karen has been an employee here at GRCC for twenty-four years. She works in the Environmental Services department as both a housekeeper and laundry aide.
In addition to working here, she also volunteers her time to our residents. She enjoys spending time with them as well as helping them however she can. She is among those employees who join our residents for crafts each month.
Karen has been married for 34 years. Her husband is John and they have one son; Jonathan. She loves spending time with her family, and caring for her goldfish and guppies.
Her hobbies include cooking, baking, reading, and crafting. If fact, Karen would like to open her own craft shop someday!
June was a busy, fun month filled with lots to do. We had all of our regular activities along with a few extra things going on as well.
One evening, the WV Kickers came in to perform their dance routine for the residents. This was enjoyed by all! The Kickers look forward to coming whenever they can, and the residents enjoy the music and action.
The Harman’s played music and sang at our monthly birthday party. The residents look forward to them coming whenever they can. The Harman’s encourage the residents to sing along as well request songs.
On West Virginia Day, we had a picnic for any resident who could join us outside! There they enjoyed a wonderful picnic lunch prepared by the dietary staff. All residents were provided this picnic lunch whether they ate inside or out. The maintenance department set up tents on the patio area for the picnic, and the residents had a wonderful time.
We are making more fun plans for July and will be doing some different things.
As always if anyone is interested in volunteering, even for an hour or two, come see us and we will get you started. You will be a blessing to our residents and receive a blessing yourself.
God Bless,
Cindy L. Evans ADC
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. I like to look at Facebook, and see everyone’s vacation pictures, and keep up to date with my friends and families’ lives.
At Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center we have a Facebook page, and a webpage. We often have activities, and other information posted on those, so if you get a free moment to check them out, please do.
However, in this age of selfies, Facebook, and Instagram, we try to be very protective of our resident’s right to privacy. When residents are admitted, we specifically ask them and/or their responsible party, whether pictures can be taken of our residents, and whether or not they can put on the internet. We also ask whether or not the resident would like their picture posted beside their door or even in the local newspaper. We do not post their pictures, unless we get permission to do so.
We have various friends and family members that come and visit residents. We hope you do take pictures or videos with your resident. Please be aware of other residents that may be in the general area, and please do not take pictures or videos of those other residents. We need your assistance to protect our resident’s right to privacy.
If you have any questions regarding taking pictures or videos of your resident, please come and see us in Social Services and we would be glad to assist you. Have a blessed July!
Ravenna O. Redman, MSW, LSW
Director of Social Services
In June, our department helped with the residents’ picnic by preparing Grilled Hot Dogs w/Chili, Potato Salad, Cucumber Slices, Watermelon, and Jello Parfait.
We also prepared a special Father’s Day meal on the 17th that consisted of Spaghetti w/Meatballs, Tossed Salad, Garlic Bread, and Banana Pudding. That meal was chosen by Residents’ Council.
In June, we said farewell to another longtime employee, Joyce Engle. Joyce was one of our MDS Coordinators, but she also had several other jobs here at GRCC over the years.
She began working here in January of 1990 as a CNA. She later furthered her career by finishing nursing school in 2005. After that accomplishment, she worked as both a floor nurse and a treatment nurse before becoming an MDS Coordinator.
All of us here at GRCC wish her the very best as she moves on to the next chapter in her life. Thank you, Joyce, for everything you have done for this facility and our countless residents throughout your twenty-nine years of service!
Thanks to our therapy department working with some of our residents, the facility garden project is going strong. There is a variety of plants, including tomatoes & cucumbers, growing beautifully in all the beds.
On June 20th, we celebrated West Virginia Day and the upcoming first day of summer with a picnic! Staff and residents were encouraged to wear their favorite West Virginia attire for the day as well.
Residents Lavera Ours & Phyllis Miller completed a beautiful puzzle recently. With the help of CNA, Jessica Stickley, who glued it together and provided a frame; they were able to share their hard work with others. The puzzle can now be seen hanging on the wall of the 300 wing.
June 2019
Greetings to all Residents and Family Members:
Did you know that June is Men’s Health Month? The purpose of Men’s Health Month is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys. This month gives health care providers, public policy makers, the media, and individuals an opportunity to encourage men and boys to seek regular medical advice and early treatment for disease and injury. At GRCC, we recognize that Men’s Health is an important aspect to the population we serve. There are many types of health conditions that affect men, but here are just a few.
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is a general term that includes many different conditions affecting the heart and blood vessels. According to the American Heart Association, over 39 million American men (1 in 3) suffer from one or more of these conditions, and every year just under half a million of them die of cardiovascular disease (1 in 4 men)—that’s more than cancer and diabetes combined.
Prostate Health
You need to know what your prostate is and what it does. Over 30 million men suffer from prostate conditions that impact their quality of life. Each year over 230,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and about 30,000 will die from it.
Health Aging
As you age, healthy eating and exercise can:
• Increase mental acuteness
• Help resist disease and injury
• Offer faster recovery
• Yield higher energy levels
• Boost a functioning immune system
• Provide better management of chronic health problems
We encourage regular health checkups in order to prevent illness from causing long term health care concerns.
Finally, a small group of team members attended the West Virginia Health Care Association Annual Conference in Morgantown, WV during the month of May. We attended seminars that educated us further on topics such as “Creating Successful Household in Your Facility”, “Fall Management Strategies”, and “Improving Compliance Programs”. We are grateful to have supportive Board Members that encourage and promote our continuing education to better serve the community.
We hope you have a blessed month!
We are pleased to announce that we began our Spring/Summer menus on June 2nd!
We would also like to welcome another new employee to our team this month. Dorothy Palmer will be joining us as a Cook/Baker. Welcome to our department, Dorothy!
In May, we had three of our employees; Madison Hall, Jaimee Carr, and Kinsey Whetzel, graduate from high school! Congratulations, ladies! We wish you the best of luck with all of your future endeavors!
Hello from the Social Services Department!
As the weather becomes warmer, the residents are enjoying the outside more and more. They are enjoying the front patio, and the garden which is near the gazebo. Actually, with therapy’s assistance, residents have planted a wonderful garden. They are also enjoying walks around the facility. Please feel free to visit with your resident and enjoy the various outdoor areas that we have.
June 17th through June 21st is Certified Nursing Assistant week. The Social Services Department would like to give a big thank you to the CNAs that we have in our facility. They have a difficult job, but yet, they do it with love and a smile on their faces. So, if you come in this month, please make sure you thank a CNA.
On another note, we also wanted to take this opportunity to remind residents and family that Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center has an Ethics Committee that meets on a quarterly basis. If you have a concern that you would feel is appropriate for the Ethics Committee please contact us in the Social Services Office.
Hope you have a wonderful June!
May was a busy month, where did it go? We celebrated National Nursing Home Week and had several different things going on for residents and staff to enjoy! These events were well attended and enjoyed by all.
The Volunteer Banquet was held on the 21st. It was a pleasant evening, enjoyed by all.
Also worthy of noting; we have a group of employees who enjoy doing crafts. They have been doing small craft activities with residents one or two late afternoons each month. These ladies laugh, talk and get many residents to participate in making the crafts.
As always, we can use volunteer help with Bingo on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and/or any time you would like to do a small group activity. If you have interests that you would like to share, please call and we will look at the calendar to find you a time to spend with our residents.
This would bring them great joy; and believe me, when you spend time with them, you are the one getting blessed.
God Bless Cindy L. Evans ADC
For June, the Employee of the Month is Eileen Hines. Eileen works in Environmental Services and has been employed at GRCC for nineteen years! She loves to talk and is very sociable with both residents and staff.
Eileen and her husband, Clyde have been married for fifty-five years and had two children together; Judy and Clyde Jr. They also have two grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. In addition, they have two dogs, Jack & Toby.
Eileen attends Potomac Valley Baptist Church in Maysville. Her hobbies include spending time with her family, mud bogging, and just watching Clyde run his buggy.
Congratulations to Jessica Hall, the therapy department’s Certified Nursing Assistant of the month. Jessica works on the 400 wing of GRCC and also assists as a bath aide. Jessica has been working at GRCC for 12years.
She is a true asset to her profession and to all that work with her. Jessica never hesitates to communicate with our therapy team when it comes to the wellbeing and quality of life of our residents at GRCC.
Jessica is always professional and has a great personality for long term care. Jessica, your hard work and dedication to the residents at GRCC does not go unnoticed and we appreciate you!!
On May 28th, the therapy department worked with residents on making over 5 dozen pepperoni rolls....both residents and staff enjoyed the fruits of their labor...Pictured here is Dellas Hedrick and our Speech Therapist Alisha Porter with Kitty Barr.
The residents and therapy staff really enjoyed this activity and we plan to do many more activities like this in the future
May 2019
Hello dear friends!
Our new transportation van is a wonderful addition to our facility. We have already provided transportation to Morgantown, Winchester, and Moorefield for appointments and treatments. We have been so busy that we are beginning a search for part time van drivers in order to meet the needs of our residents.
The gardeners of our facility are getting geared up to start their garden project on the facility campus. Not only does this activity promote a sense of accomplishment to our residents, it provides an opportunity for residents to improve strength and function while enjoying the outdoors. The produce that is grown on the facility campus is enjoyed by our residents with the help of our Dietary staff and the Therapy Department offers their time and talent in working with residents throughout the growing season to ensure a successful crop! Thank you, Odyssey Rehabilitation, for being a partner with GRCC in caring for our residents.
Finally, we would love for you to be a part of our Volunteer Team. If you have the desire to help others and can contribute a few hours each week, stop by for a tour or visit us during a regularly scheduled activity to learn more about our programs.
Have a great month!
During the month of April, we celebrated Easter with our residents! We Served a special meal on Easter Sunday consisting of traditional Baked Ham along with Scalloped Potatoes, Corn, Rolls, and Banana Pudding. Unfortunately, due to visitation restrictions at the time, we were unable to invite friends and family in to share this meal with their loved ones, however, we do look forward to extending the invitation to future holidays meals!
On Mother’s Day, we also served a special meal of Oven Fried Chicken, Scalloped Potatoes, Succotash, Dinner Roll, and Cherry Pie w/Ice Cream. Both meals were chosen by Residents’ Council.
Please be aware that you can now find our weekly menus on our website on the “Dine with Your Loved One” page which can be found under Visiting Your Loved One or Nutrition Services.
Our goal start date for the new Spring & Summer menus is June 2nd!
Additionally, we would like to welcome two new employees to the Food & Nutrition Services Department! Joining us this month as Aides, are Alisha Arnold and Kacie Valkos! Welcome to the team, ladies!
Greetings from the Social Work Department!
This month, I am sharing the above pictures with you, because they always stop me in my tracks. They make me think about the full lives our residents have lived and the experiences that have made them into the people they are. Unfortunately, many families do not realize this information because they don’t take time to ask.
I guess, these really touch my heart, because both of my parents have already passed away. As I grow older, I have so many questions that I would have loved to ask them, but are now unable to. However, I have to admit that I am doubly blessed, because I get to talk to our residents and they are able to share their experiences with me.
Since, I have worked at the facility, I have met residents who saw Amelia Earhart. I have met residents who met President John F. Kennedy at the airport. I have had discussions about gardening, and canning. I have met a nurse who discussed her rural practice in our area, and the development of the Public Health Departments. I have met residents who traveled cross-country with their spouses, and residents that have traveled the world, and discussed their favorite places to visit. I have met residents who have known my family and been able to tell me stories that I have never heard before.
The best question that I get to ask them is what is something they are proud or feel is the most significant achievement in their lives. The consistency of this answer always amazes me. The majority of our residents feel that the greatest achievement in their lives is their families.
Time is precious and fleeting. Think about what questions you may want to ask your family member. Reminisce with them how they celebrated their holidays as children. Ask them what was the favorite thing their parents did for them. Residents greatly enjoy discussions about how their lives were, and you will find out more about them, plus you may find out more about you.
God bless,
Ravenna O. Redman, MSW/DOSS
The activity department stayed busy in April. We attended one more Lenten Lunch with four residents who all had a good time visiting with many people they knew in the community. They heard a wonderful message and enjoyed a good lunch.
While we were quarantined with the flu, activities continued throughout the building. The Staff worked on the halls doing small, group activities as the residents could tolerate. After the quarantine was lifted for the residents, we colored eggs. As always, our residents had a good time with this activity! We then used the colored eggs to make deviled eggs which we served at the monthly birthday party. Deviled eggs were also taken to rooms of those who did not attend the party so that all residents could have some.
The activity department had an Easter Lunch for thirty-eight residents. They enjoyed fried chicken, macaroni salad, potato chips, soda and homemade lemon & chocolate pie. The pies were made by Myra Vance’s Country Roads Catering. The chicken and macaroni salad came from Shop and Save’s deli. We separated the lunch over two days to accommodate all the residents who wanted to participate. Everyone enjoyed the food and conversation.
This month, we also took an afternoon to go riding in the new van. Kari drove, and we took three trips with a total of 25 residents. We took a short tour of downtown Petersburg as well as the outskirts of town before stopping for ice cream cones at McDonalds. The residents talked of these rides and the fun they had.
God Bless
Cindy L. Evans ADC
For May, the Employee of the Month is Barb Sites. Barbie has worked here at GRCC since September of 2018. She started out in Environmental Services, but soon transitioned into the Nursing Department where she currently works as a General Duty Aide.
She and her husband Jim have been married for thirteen years. She has four step-children, nine grandchildren, sixteen great-grandchildren, and thirteen great-great-grandchildren. In addition, Barbie has two cats; Tom & Snowball and one dog; Fred.
Barbie attends Lighthouse Community Church and loves the Lord. Her hobbies include spending time with her grandkids and deer hunting.
This month, we are saying farewell to long-time employee, Bonnie Dolly. Bonnie is a Registered Nurse who has worked at GRCC for thirty years. She began her career in 1989 as a CNA. In 1991, she graduated from James Rumsey Technical Institute as an LPN before going on to Shepherd College to become an RN which she completed in 1996. After working as a floor nurse for several years, she took over being in charge of our Assisted Living residents as well as working as the facility’s Health Service Supervisor.
We here at GRCC wish her the very best as she moves on to the next chapter in her life. Thank you, Bonnie, for everything you have done for this facility and our countless residents over the last thirty years!
April 2019
Hello dear friends!
Thank you for being a loyal reader of our newsletter. Each month we strive to provide the most up to date information on the “happenings” of our home. I hope you enjoy reading our newsletter as much as we enjoy sharing information with you.
By now, most of you know that GRCC is working collaboratively with Grant Memorial Hospital to transition the long-term care business (E-wing) from the hospital to our facility. This transition will this allow the hospital to provide private rooms to their patients and allow us to honor more private room requests from the community.
Over the past year, GRCC has declined admission to 261 local members (Grant, Hardy, Pendleton) due to not having a bed available. This means that our community members must seek placement at nursing facilities that are outside their home community, or remain at home without the appropriate level of care that they need. With the additional beds, we will be expanding our facility to accommodate the needs of the community and of our loved ones.
I appreciate your support during this transition and would like to thank the GMH Board of Trustees and Robert Milvet, CEO of Grant Memorial Hospital for working with us to ensure that the healthcare systems we have in Grant County are successful presently and in the future.
We are very excited about the recent arrival of our new transportation van. See page 2. for a look at our new wheels! As mentioned in the previous newsletter, the blanket warmer that was donated to the 100 wing residents is a wonderful addition to our facility. The residents are really enjoying this added measure of comfort that we provide to them.
Finally, we would love for you to be a part of our Volunteer Team. If you have the desire to help others and can contribute a few hours each week, stop by for a tour or visit us during a regularly scheduled activity to learn more about our programs.
Have a great month!
During the month of March, the Food & Nutrition Services’ Department furnished refreshments on the courtesy cart for St. Patrick’s Day. We look forward to doing this again at Easter.
Also, for Easter, our Residents’ Council chose a special meal. It is as follows: Baked Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Corn, Homemade Rolls, and Banana Pudding.
Finally! Spring is here!!!!! We had a wonderful visit with our previous administrator, Terry Shobe. I am grateful to him, because he noted, that I did not list my husband Jason in last month’s newsletter. I have been married to Jason Redman for over twenty years, and so grateful for his love and support. It is a difficult task to be married to a social worker, and I thank God every day that he is in my life. So, I did want to make that correction for this month’s newsletter.
During a care plan meeting this past month, a family member suggested for us to list the products that we provide residents for their care in the newsletter. I appreciate all ideas for the newsletter, and this is an excellent one. Often, we provide a list at admission, but sometimes we forget, or the information does not get to everyone, so the list has been included in this month’s newsletter and is also available on our website.
I had mentioned in a previous newsletter the desire to start a family council. It would be made up of family members of residents in the facility so that we can obtain feedback and suggestions to provide better care for our residents, and to improve our facility. If you would be interested in participating in a family council or have any questions or suggestions for the newsletter office, please contact me in the Social Services office. My direct telephone extension is 5242. My email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Ravenna O. Redman, MSW, LSW
In March we did all of our regular activities and added a few special things. For the week following St. Patrick’s Day we had St. Patrick’s Bingo and featured a green & shamrock decorated cake at the monthly Birthday Party.
We have also attended two Lenten Lunches with eight residents already, and we plan on attending at least two more lunches. The residents had a good time visiting with people that they know in the community as well as they enjoyed the good food and service.
We have also played active games this month such as the bean bag toss, a frisbee throw, and a popcorn ball throw. First place winners received $2.00 and 2nd place won $1.00. A good time was had by all who participated.
As always if you are interested in making our residents’ days brighter and filled with fun, ask us about being a volunteer! Please call 304-257-4233 ext. 5225, and we will tell you how to become one. It will brighten your days also!
Thank you, Cindy L. Evans ADC
For April, the Employee of the Month is Tammy Lewis. Tammy is a CNA here at GRCC. She has been with us for eleven years.
Tammy resides in Petersburg. She has two sons; JJ & Hunter, a daughter-in-law; Michelle, and two grandsons; Kyler & Rylen. In addition to her family she has four dogs; Bell-Bell, Zia, Chloe Bug, & Phoenix, and one cat; Cat.
She enjoys spending her free time with her grandbabies and dogs as well as doing puzzles and reading.
Odyssey Rehab chose Wendy Bennet as our CNA for the month of March! She has a great personality and treats her residents with respect and dignity. Wendy is also always willing to help the “Rehab Gang” whenever needed, and she does it with a smile on her face. Please congratulate Wendy when you see her!
In celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, March 15th was deemed “Green Day” at our facility. Residents & staff were also treated to an afternoon snack of “green” punch and “green” cupcakes.
March 2019
Hello all and Happy March!
The chapel renovation is complete and we have received a great deal of positive feedback from residents and visitors that are pleased with the outcome! If you have not had an opportunity, we invite you to stop by for a visit and have a look for yourself! Thank you for your patience as we continue to renovate/refresh this facility. The next Maintenance project is a renovation to the conference room and restrooms at the main entrance. As I mentioned in last month’s newsletter, GRCC will be getting a brand-new transportation van to be utilized by the residents for appointments and outings. We anticipate the delivery of the new van by mid-April. We are planning a “maiden voyage” with the new van and many residents are looking forward to taking a ride.
As an activity for March, residents and staff are encouraged to wear green during our Green Day celebration for St. Patrick’s Day on March 15th. The Dietary staff will provide refreshments and a courtesy cart will be taken through the building with cookies, punch, and other goodies.
GRCC is very thankful for all the community support that we receive. Recently, an anonymous donor purchased a new blanket warmer with 84 high quality blankets to be used on the 100 wing (Memory Care Area). The anticipated delivery of the blanket warmer is 3/12/19. We look forward to utilizing this generous gift to provide comfort and care to our residents. GRCC sends out a special “thank you and God Bless” to that individual for being so kindhearted and compassionate to the needs of our residents.
Wishing you a blessed month and Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Employee of the Month
The employee of the month for March is Madison Hall. Madison is employed at GRCC as a Nutrition Service’s Aide. She has been with us since 2017, working part-time while also attending Petersburg High school. In the fall, Madison plans to attend college in pursuit of a career in teaching.
During her free time, she enjoys spending time with friends and family. Madison has one sister, twin brothers, and two step-sisters and a baby niece, Lakeleigh. In addition to her family, she has two dogs named Bella and DJ.
March is National Social Work Month, and at this time, we can introduce you to the Social Work Department. Amy Rotruck is our Social Services Assistant. Amy has worked for Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center since November 1999. Amy is invaluable to our office. She organizes all of our admission materials, sends out care letters, helps arrange treatment care meetings, and keeps our office working effectively. She also assists families in completing the Medicaid applications. She helps prepare our discharges, by sending information to service providers in the community. She is probably the first contact that you make when you contact the Social Services office. She provides excellent customer services for residents and their families. On a personal note, Amy is a Mt. Storm native. She has a son Dylan, and likes to sell Pamper Chef when she has a spare moment.
Aimee Minor is one of our social workers. Aimee is a Pendleton County native. She has a bachelor’s degree in Social Work from West Virginia University. She first came to the facility to complete her social work internship during her senior year. Upon graduation, she worked at Harrisonburg Health and Rehab, in Harrisonburg Virginia. In April 2017, when our previous Director of Social Services; Linda Fletcher retired, Aimee was brought on board. We have been able to utilize her knowledge gained at Harrisonburg to make our discharges more effective. She has a great rapport with the residents, and enjoys spending time with them. She is enjoying it so much that she is currently pursuing her Master’s Degree with Concord University. She currently resides in Upper Tract WV, and enjoys hiking, and spending time with her friends and family.
My name is Ravenna Redman, and I am the current Director of Social Services. I am a Grant County native. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from Shepherd University and a Master’s Degree in Social Work from West Virginia University. One might say, I grew up at Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center, my mom was a cook at the facility when I was six, and throughout the years, she served in the laundry department and housekeeping. My first job was at the nursing home as an evening housekeeper, then CNA. In fact, without Nancy Null, the 1st Social Services Director of the facility’s knowledge and wisdom, I may have never recognized that I am a social worker. She recognized it in me, and told me to go for it. I thank God every day for that piece of wisdom. After graduating from Shepherd, I worked for the State of West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources for thirteen years. I was a Youth Service worker, Child Protective Service worker, Human Resource Specialist, and a Child Protective Services Supervisor. However, my heart has always been with geriatrics. So, when Jane Fisher retired in September 2014, I was honored to become a social worker at Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center, and doubly honored to be selected as Director of Social Services when Linda Fletcher retired. I currently reside in Petersburg, am married, and have three children, Aaron, Kyrah, and John. In my spare time, I direct and act in West Virginia Theater East, and enjoy reading.
Being a social worker is not just a job. It is a calling, and it never turns off. Our main goal is to help people have the best quality of life they are able to have. I am extremely blessed to work with Aimee Minor and Amy Rotruck. They do not receive the credit they deserve, so I am very glad that I have this month to recognize their efforts to help the residents and family in this facility. So if you see them this month, please say thank you.
Hoping Spring will come soon, and until next time- God bless.
Ravenna O. Redman, MSW, LSW
Director of Social Services
Each Month, the Therapy Department will be honoring a CNA who goes above and beyond when interacting with both residents and staff members to provide quality care. This month we have selected Jess Stickley. Jess always has a smile on her face and is willing to help in any way possible. She treats the residents like they are a part of her family and makes a very positive impact on their stay at Grant Rehab & Care Center. Thank you, Jess, for all you do and for just being YOU!!! You are appreciated! 😊
During the month of February, the Food and Nutrition Services’ Department furnished refreshments for the courtesy cart on Valentine’s Day.
We will be doing the same for St. Patrick’s Day. For our “Green Day” celebration we will serve green punch and cupcakes!
February was a short month, but we had a wonderful time. We had two lunches celebrating Valentine’s Day. Many residents attended the lunches which consisted of fried chicken, macaroni salad, applesauce, soda and cupcakes for dessert. We also had a day of active games where a large group participated. During the games, the Food & Nutrition Services Department brought in snacks and drinks to be enjoyed by all the residents.
For the monthly birthday party, the residents had a cake decorated with red/pink hearts and ribbons. They also listened to piano music played by Winnie Goldizen. On Valentine’s day we played a special bingo with red and pink hearts that had the amount of winnings written on the back.
We are still in need of volunteers on Tuesday and Thursday evenings as well as Friday mornings and afternoons. If you are interested please call the Activity Department for more information. If you are interested in volunteering at any other time, again please call for more information. The residents look forward to many activities and we cannot do them without the help of dedicated volunteers.
Thank you,
Cindy L. Evans, ADC
Spring is right around the corner; therefore, the facility will begin their spring cleaning. We like to ask family members to please remove any belongs that your loved one is currently not using. Also, the facility will no longer be accepting donated belongings.
Crystal Grapes, HR/CC
The facility is pleased to announce that Tyla Hogbin is our new supervisor for Environmental Services. Tyla has been employed with the facility for about 5 years as a CNA and is an asset to the facility. We are thrilled to have her as part of our management team.
February 2019
Happy Valentine’s Day to all our readers!
The chapel refresh is nearing completion, as well as another resident room on our 300-wing. It has been a busy start to the 2019 year with the West Virginia Health Care Association Winter Conference that was hosted in Charleston at the end of January.
Crystal Grapes and I attended a one-day conference/workshop and began to learn how our payment methods will be changing later this year for folks that are here for a short-term stay. The good news is that as a current or potential resident, you don’t have to do a thing! Our facility will be gathering more details about our residents upon admission, and our therapy department will continue to provide service based on assisting residents to achieve the best outcome possible.
Another exciting project we are working on is evaluating the need for a new transportation vehicle. Many of our residents require transportation for medical treatments/services and we want to provide the best experience possible. I’ll keep you informed as our plans progress. Wishing you a blessed month.
The Activity Department decided to liven up January for the residents. We had two Snow Flake lunches, serving forty-eight residents. They had pizza from Fox’s Pizza and soda of their choice along with an Ice Cream Sundae for dessert. They also enjoyed the snowflake decorations in the Activity Room.
On the 16th we had the Monthly Birthday party. Joe Crites joined us to play and sing. The residents sang along and many requested songs. The residents were served Peanut Butter Cookies, Cheetos and punch. A good time was had by all who attended.
We thank all of the staff and volunteers who helped in any way to make these days fun and successful for our residents. We also had our regular activities of Bingo, Flip, music, worship, and many other things throughout the month. Don’t forget Volunteers are always needed. Please call if you are interested in being a volunteer, you can brighten someone’s life.
Cindy L. Evans Activity Director
This employee of the month for February is Jeremy Helmick. Jeremy has been a housekeeper here at GRCC for six months.
He and his wife Josalynn have three children; Jackson (10), Nikolai (5), and Zareenah (2) as well as another “one on the way!” In addition to his family, Jeremy has two dogs, Princess & Miah.
When he isn’t working, he enjoys spending time with his family and playing video games.
Happy Valentine’s Month from the Social Services office!!!! As we celebrate Valentine’s Day with the family and residents that we love, it is good for us to remember:
Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy,
it does not boast,
it is not proud,
It does not dishonor others,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered.
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres.
Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
It takes family members, and staff to provide care for our residents. We are a team that is working out of love to provide the highest quality of care for them. These verses can provide us a reminder and keep us focused on our main goal which is to provide residents the best quality of life in their later years.
Thank you again for the privilege of serving your residents. We appreciate the ability to love them and take care of them.
Happy Valentine’s Month!
Ravenna O. Redman, MSW, LSW
Director of Social Services
Cold and flu season is among us, and with that, we are seeing a rise in the use of antibiotics in the facility. Antibiotics are among the most commonly prescribed medications in long-term care settings, yet reports indicate that a high portion of antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary. Consequences of unnecessary antibiotic use include, but are not limited to: drug reactions or interactions, the development of C. Diff (Clostridium difficile) infections, the emergence of multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs), antibiotic failure, increased mortality and greatly increased costs incurred by the facility. In January 2018 Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center implemented an Antibiotic Stewardship program to assist with reducing the need for unnecessary antibiotics. This program includes educating the staff towards a more responsible use of antibiotics and closely monitoring our residents for signs and symptoms that may require an antibiotic.
Why is it so important to only take antibiotics when they are needed? So, they work when you need them to! Your body, over time, can build up an immunity to antibiotics, which means they may not work when you get sick. Remember, antibiotics are not miracle drugs for everything! If you have an infection caused by a virus such as a cold, bronchitis, the flu or most types of diarrhea you do not need an antibiotic because antibiotics DO NOT work on viruses. Other instances when an antibiotic is not needed include having a medical condition, not an infection, such as anemia; or you’ve decided against them, such as near the end of life.
While we understand you have the best interest of your loved one at heart, we also are looking out for their best interest. Overuse of antibiotics can harm the elderly and is not always the first line of defense.
If you have questions regarding antibiotic use, contact your physician, myself or the CDC website.
Danielle Berg, RN
Infection Prevention/Staff Development
On January 23rd, we held our 2nd annual Soup-Cook Off! Employees prepared and brought in their favorite soup recipes to share. Once again, the winner was Fran Hedrick! This year, Fran made a delightful Stuffed Pepper Soup that was favored by all. Congratulations, Fran!
January 2019
Hello friends and family! Here we are at the start of another year, and we have already begun another project to make our facility more pleasing and home-like to our residents. The GRCC Chapel is getting a “make-over” and we anticipate the finish of the renovations to be complete in February. We are replacing the drywall, floors, lights, fireplace, and furniture so that our residents and community may enjoy an attractive and pleasant meeting area. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but do believe that everyone will be very pleased with the chapel once it is completed. Thank you in advance for your patience as we work on this project.
Just a friendly reminder that phones are available for resident rooms. If your loved one wishes to have their own phone in their room and have not had it installed already, please contact us so that we may assist you. The phone service is provided at no extra cost.
We will be holding our 2nd Annual Soup Cookoff contest in the month of January and look forward to all those delicious warming recipes from our staff. Stay tuned for pictures of the winner and participants in next month’s letter.
God Bless! Kari
Happy New Year from the Social Services Department!
The Social Services Department is responsible for a variety of things within the facility. We are responsible for admissions, discharges, transfers, room changes, psycho-social needs of residents, and care plans. One of the things that we are responsible for, but it doesn’t really get discussed, is grievances. We are the grievance officers for the facility. We are responsible for grievances that can be filed by residents, responsible parties, family members, visitors, and even Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center staff. We are responsible for receiving, tracking grievances to the conclusion, leading any necessary investigations by our facility, and maintaining confidentiality of all information. Written grievance decisions will be provided to the person who filed the grievance. Grievances that may meet the criteria of abuse, neglect, or misappropriation will be reported to the necessary authorities.
We want to make sure that this is the best facility for our residents, families, and staff. The grievance procedure assists us to ensure that we are providing the best care possible. In many situations, a grievance is not necessary but is able to be worked out in a team-oriented approach.
If you have any concerns, or wish to file a grievance, please see us in the Social Services office, and we will begin the process.
January’s Employee of the Month is Missy Strickler. Missy, is a CNA and has been employed here at GRCC for twenty-nine years!
She and her husband, Shane have one son; Garrett who is fourteen years old. Missy also has three pets, a cat named Sophie and two dogs, Lily and Shadow.
Missy attends Moorefield Baptist Church. In her free time, Missy enjoys spending time with family, being outdoors, watching baseball, and traveling.
In December, the Nutrition Services Department stayed busy with holiday baking and meal planning. Two of our Bakers; Peggy Rohrbaugh and Beth Hall, with some assistance from one of our aides; Mary Hottinger, made homemade goodies for the residents’ Christmas Parties. These “goodies” included a variety of cookies, peanut butter fudge, orange cream fudge, potato candy, mini cupcakes, and peanut butter balls. We also provided holiday punch for each party.
After the residents’ parties were concluded, we had our own department party where we enjoyed a smorgasbord of food made by our staff. Then games were played, prizes were won, and gifts were exchanged! We also had one employee who retired earlier this year, Sally Pownell, in attendance.
We served special meals chosen by Residents’ Council on both Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. On Christmas Day, we served many additional meals to guest who came in to spend time with their loved ones. On New Year’s Day, we also served a special meal chosen by Residents’ Council. It consisted of traditional New Year’s items such as Pork and Sauerkraut.
Our residents appreciate when you bring food or drinks in for them to enjoy! However, we do require that you label and date all items that are being left in the refrigerators. If items are unlabeled or have an expired date, they will be thrown away without question. Additionally, be aware that all residents have access to these refrigerators. We are not responsible for any missing or misplaced food or drinks.
December was a very busy month, filled with lots of Holiday Happenings.
It all started when Denver Riggleman, “The Elf” came on the 3rd to pick up toys for “Toys for Happiness.”
More than sixty toys were donated. All toys were bought with money given by our residents from their winnings in the games they played. This was our tenth year participating in this particular community outreach.
On December 6th, the West Va. Kickers were here to dance for the residents.
During the week of December 10th through 13th, we held the hall Christmas parties. They were well-attended by residents, and the messages shared were uplifting. The Ministers and Lay Speakers who brought messages were Geraldine Smith and Barbara Harris, Pastor Bruce Jackson and his wife Linda, Pastor Matt Perrine and his family, and Pastor Matt Smith.
We went to Welton Park and the City Park on the night of December 10th, to view the Christmas lights. We took eight van loads of residents who, upon return to the facility, were treated to hot chocolate and home-made cookies. We could not have done this without the help of Charlotte Rohrbaugh, driving the van and all that goes with it, and Karen Parsons who provided the home-made goodies and helped with the residents.
The monthly birthday party was held on the 19th. Janet Vance brought her students and sang Christmas songs for the residents during this time.
Also, during the month, we were visited by Mrs. Clause! She passed out treats to all the residents.
We were blessed by many Community groups and churches who remembered our residents with gifts and/or cards and visits. We thank everyone who had a part in making this a joyful Christmas for the residents.
We are getting ready to start Spring Cleaning throughout the facility. Family & Friends are encouraged to help minimize clutter in resident rooms and closets.
Please be advised that due to fire codes, nothing can be stacked above the “Do Not Stack Above” tape line in the closets.
On December 20th, members of Petersburg Elementary School's Student Council visited Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center. Accompanied by their principal and assistant principal, they visited with the residents and gave them Christmas cards that were hand-made by the sixth-grade class. We at GRCC would like to extend our gratitude to all students who were involved. Our residents are very grateful for the love and support.
We had our 2nd annual Ugly Sweater contest! Employees wore their “Ugly Sweater” during the first two weeks of December. Then on December 20th, the winners were announced! The winners were as follows: 1st place-Felicia Miller; 2nd place-Angie Engle; and 3rd Place-Bonnie Dolly.
GRCC held its first ever Holiday Baking Championship! Employees were encouraged to bring their favorite homemade Christmas "goodies" to be shared and judged among fellow employees. The winner of this contest was Jennifer Sites with her incredibly delicious "White Chocolate, Cheddar-Popcorn." Congrats, Jenny! And thank you to everyone who participated!
On December 17th, Grant County Mulch provided apple dumplings (w/ice cream) to the staff here at GRCC! We would like to thank them for their generosity. The apple dumplings were enjoyed and greatly appreciated!
In early December, students from the SBCTC Industrial Equipment Maintenance class, under the direction of Mr. Mike Hipp, visited with our residents and handed out Christmas cards. Our residents are very appreciative and grateful for your thoughtfulness and support. Thank you to all who visited!
December 2018
Merry Christmas to our Residents and Family members at GRCC! We had a successful launch of our new Rehabilitation Unit last month and enjoyed the company of so many of our friends and partners in community health. Thanks to all that assisted in the celebration and attended the dedication. The Dietary Department catered the event and did a wonderful job with the help of one of our Board members, Donnalie Hope. Our Chairmen of the Board, Pastor Dick Longbon, was honored with the new unit being dedicated in his name. We are appreciative of his years of service to our organization. Pastor Longbon is pictured below with the Petersburg High School Senior Art Department Students and their artwork display.
Staff enjoyed our first ever “Best Pumpkin Recipe Contest” in November. See additional notes and pictures included in this month’s edition.
GRCC will be holding numerous Christmas parties for residents over the next several weeks. Our annual staff Christmas Party will be held on December 15th, at 6pm in the main dining room. A special “Thank You” to Larry and Janie Berg of Grant County Mulch for providing apple dumplings to all employees on December 17th. We look forward to the fellowship with one another during this season, and wish you many blessings now and in the upcoming new year.
GRCC’s Employee of the Month for the month of December is Wendy Bennett. Wendy has been employed at GRCC for seven years. She began in the housekeeping department, but has worked as a CNA for the past several years. Wendy attends North Mill Creek Baptist Church, she has one daughter, Makayla, and she has two dogs, Bear and Yappy. In her free time, Wendy enjoys cleaning, horseback riding, and hunting.
Happy Holidays!
As we are preparing for family festivities for the season, we have had several family members ask for ideas for presents for our residents. Here are some ideas from our office:
1. Clothes- especially sweatshirts and sweatpants. They are easy for our residents to take off and on, and plus they help to keep them warm. They would also appreciate undershirts and socks as well. If you are uncertain regarding sizes ask the CNAs that work with your resident and they will be glad to help you. If you do buy them clothing, please make sure it goes to laundry so that it can be properly labeled. This ensures that it will get back to your resident. In addition, please take any used or old clothing out of the closet or drawers and take them home.
2. Lotions/Aftershaves/Body Sprays- Our residents love to smell good.
3. Coloring Books, and Find a Word puzzle books- We have several residents that enjoy these. Activities would appreciate donations as well.
4. Dolls and stuffed animals are appropriate for some dementia residents. We have some residents that have the animatronic cats and dogs that they truly enjoy.
5. MP3 Players/IPODS- One family has donated MP3 players on which we have been able to download different genres of music. Residents have greatly enjoyed the music.
6. TVs- We have had family members ask about information regarding TVs. Cable in the facility costs $8.00 a month. TVs should not be any larger than 32 inches. In addition, we request for TVs to be headset adaptable. Our residents share rooms with each other, and often they do not like to watch the same program. If they use the headsets they can watch their program, and if they are hard of hearing, the headsets enhance their hearing. It is a policy within the facility that if they do not have headsets, televisions needs to be turned off at 10:00 pm, so that they and their roommates can go to sleep.
7. Gift Certificates: Gift certificates for cable and for the beauty shop can be made available at the business office, if you would like to give your resident a haircut, perm, or hair color. (Ladies love receiving hair gift certificates.)
8. Newspaper Membership: If resident enjoyed reading their community paper, buy them a year’s membership to be delivered to the facility. Our address is 127 Early Avenue, Petersburg WV 26847.
If you have any other questions regarding gifts for our residents, please contact us in the Social Services office.
Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
Social Services
The month of November proved to be a very busy month for the nutrition services department. On Thanksgiving Day, we served Thanksgiving dinner to our residents and an additional sixty-plus guest who came in to have lunch and celebrate the holiday with their loved ones.
On November 29th, our department catered the open house for our new therapy unit. We served punch, mini gourmet cheese cakes and brownies, and had fruit and vegetable platters.
We also welcomed a new employee to our department in November. Kaitlyn Kesner joined our team as a Cook’s Helper. We are happy to have her aboard!
Food and Nutrition supervisor, Sheila Phares welcomed her first grandchild, a boy; Liam Bradley Goldizen, on December 3rd. Congratulations, Sheila!
Right now, we are busy preparing for the upcoming Christmas holidays. We will be serving Baked Ham, Baked Sweet Potato, Macaroni & Cheese, Hot Rolls, and Banana Pudding on Christmas day.
Activities stayed busy in the month of November. We had a Veterans’ Program on November 9th. It was presented by the VFW Post 6454, and enjoyed by all the residents who attended. On Monday November 12th we played a special Veterans’ bingo with the money to be won listed on the back of red, white, or blue stars.
On November 14th the residents enjoyed hot biscuits and homemade apple butter. Then on November 21st the monthly Birthday Party was held with singing and piano music by Joyce Schetrom. Our residents were also treated to pumpkin and lemon rolls baked by Myra Vance of Country Roads Catering.
On November 28th six residents, along with volunteers and staff went to LaVale for a day of shopping at the mall and lunch at Chick Fil-a. A good time was had by all, and every one “shopped till they dropped.”
I want to thank all of the volunteers and staff who have helped in any way with these activities. We could not do all we do for the residents if it weren’t for your help and thoughtfulness.
Cindy L. Evans ADC
On November 27th, our facility held a “Best Pumpkin Recipe” contest. Employees were encouraged to make their favorite pumpkin recipe and bring it in for tasting and judging. There were several delicious entries. However, one recipe rose above. The winner of the “Best Pumpkin Recipe” Contest was a Pumpkin Trifle made by Assistant Director of Nursing, Christina Thorne. Congratulations, Christina!
November 2018
Hello all, and Happy Thanksgiving!
I am so proud to announce that the Richard “Dick” Longbon Physical Rehabilitation Unit has been inspected by the State Fire Marshall, and we have been approved to open the area for treatment. Our Maintenance Department has worked tirelessly to complete the building of this project and have constructed an area where our residents will be able to achieve their therapy goals and improve their outcomes. Open house for the new therapy gym will be held on Thursday, November 29th, 2018, from 11am to 2pm. I invite each and every one of you to join us in dedicating the new therapy area. Refreshments will be provided along with an art exhibit that features the talents of Mr. Robert Nelson and the Petersburg High School Senior Art Department. I hope to see all of you there!
Another project that GRCC has been working on is the integration of our vital sign monitors to our electronic health record. We recently leased two new vital sign monitors that will collect a resident’s vital signs and directly incorporate the findings into the resident’s health record. This will not only improve the efficiency of our staff but it will allow for more time to be spent with the resident, instead of performing manual charting.
Please be aware that we have entered “cold and flu” season. Proper hand washing is very important to ensure that our residents are not exposed to unwanted germs and viruses. If you have not received the flu vaccine, please wear a mask during visitation so our residents can remain as healthy as possible.
Finally, GRCC will be installing a new phone system in our building. Phones will be available in each resident room to receive all incoming calls and to place local calls. Our goal is to have this project complete within the next several weeks. We will continue to make improvements to our facility, such as this one, so that our residents feel truly at home.
If you have any suggestions on how we can improve our care and services, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Have a great month!
October continued to be a busy month. The monthly birthday party was one of the best attended; cake and ice cream was served, and the residents loved hearing Joyce Schrum sing and play.
The Vo-Tech girls and guys were here to do nails on the Friday, October 19th. Our ladies and even a few of our gentleman kept them busy both morning and afternoon. I will be scheduling them to return as they are able.
Residents were served fried bread and fresh apple butter on the 24th; it was enjoyed by all who participated! We will be having more food related activities in the coming months.
Halloween was a success with ninety-seven children coming by for trick or treat. Many residents passed out candy which was provided by their families. They also enjoyed looking at costumes and talking to the children as they came into the room.
This year we moved the trick or treat activity to the main dining room because of limited space in the chapel area. Activity Assistant, Winnie Goldizen and volunteer, Becky Hovetter passed out bags of treats provide by the Activity Department.
Thank you to all GRCC staff who helped with the trick or treat activity and to all the residents and families who were involved in any way.
Cindy L. Evans ADC
October 7th-13th was Food & Nutrition Services week. To celebrate, we decorated our bulletin board with Nutrition Services’ employees’ pictures, positions, and years of service. During that week, we also gave out treats and door-prizes to our staff. Then on Wednesday, we had our departmental meeting and had a “potato bar” luncheon. Each employee was then presented with a tote and tumbler as an appreciation gift.
Remember, if you would like to eat with your loved one(s) on Christmas or New Year’s Day, make sure to call and reserve your spot as soon as possible! Meals are $7.00 per person and include drinks and dessert! (304) 257-4233 ext. 223
The holidays are fast approaching starting with this month’s Thanksgiving. We definitely want to spend time with our family and friends, and our residents want the same. They love seeing their family. Residents do have the ability to go on visits, and celebrate the holidays with their loved ones. If you would like to take your family member out for the holidays let us in Social Services know, and we can assist you in making arrangements. If you do not feel comfortable taking your resident out for a visit, please feel free to visit here at the facility. Meals are available here, however, if you want to bring dinner to the resident, let activities and nursing know. We can make space available so you can have the best possible visit with them.
However, also keep in mind even though it is the holiday season, it is also cold and flu season. If you or your family members are experiencing ANY flu or cold like symptoms, please refrain from visiting. Our residents, including your family member has weakened immune systems, and are unable to fight off germs which causes sickness. If you have not received the flu vaccine, the facility is requesting for you to wear a mask, which is provided at all the entrance doors. This is to help prevent the flu from spreading. All of our employees have either taken the flu shot, or are wearing a mask, because we are actively trying to protect our residents, but we need your help as well. Therefore, when you come to visit, please do the following:
1) If you are exhibiting any symptoms of sickness, please do not visit. You can visit via telephone.
2) If you do come and visit, please continue to wash hands, and if you have not had the flu vaccine, please wear a mask.
3) If you are bringing children in, please make sure that they are washing their hands. If they are feeling any symptoms, please do not have them visit.
4) If a hall has been quarantined, please check in with the nurse prior to entering the hall, and follow the nurse’s instructions, including use of any suggested protective gear.
We will greatly appreciate all assistance in fighting the cold and flu. We love our residents and want to provide them the best care imaginable, but we need friends and family to help us in the fight. Thank you again in advance and we hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Sincerely, Social Services Staff
GRCC’s Employee of the Month for the month of November is Charlotte Rohrbaugh. Charlotte has been an employee here for eighteen years and has worked in many different departments. She enjoys her time spent with our residents as well as her co-workers. She also enjoys driving the facility van where she is able to have conversations with residents, learning something new all the time.
We recently held our employee skills fair, where all employees were given refresher information on several important procedures at our facility.
This event is an annual event to help keep our staff competent, up to date, and able to properly care for your loved ones.
Residents Christmas Parties will be held December 10th through 13th.
100 Wing December 10th
200 Wing December 11th
300 Wing December 12th
400 Wing December 13th
All Parties will be at 10am
October 2018
Happy October to our Residents, family, and friends!
As we get closer to opening our new therapy gym, we have been introducing some new equipment to the residents at GRCC. One item of particular interest to our residents is the OmniStand Balance System. This is a balance trainer that gives our therapy department the freedom to work with residents that need assistance with balance and gait training while keeping the resident safely supported. Individuals that have a history of falling or have had a surgical procedure can benefit from this equipment because it has a fall safe design and adjusts easily for postural support. In addition to the OmniStand, GRCC has also implemented the use of the OmniVR, and engaging virtual reality therapy system that improves functional abilities through muscle strengthening and provides a real time interactive experience.
Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center and Grant Memorial Hospital are pleased to announce their collaborative efforts to improve our local community health outcomes regarding re-admissions. A re-admission is an episode when a patient/resident has been discharged from the facility and is then admitted again within 30 days.
Re-admission rates have been used as an outcome measure and as a quality benchmark for health care systems. Organizations can be fined with penalties if their re-admission rates exceed the level as determined by the state/federal government.
Re-admissions occur more frequently in our population affected by respiratory illness and/or diagnosed with congestive heart failure (CHF) or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In an effort to reduce re-admissions, both facilities are now in a closer relationship to ensure that proper preventative measures and staff education are provided to improve outcomes for those individuals that are at the highest risk for respiratory illness in the long-term care setting. Administrative staff members from both organizations recently met to discuss the best approach to identify at risk persons, provide staff education, and ensure that preventative maintenance is completed on the necessary equipment. By joining together through improved communication to provide better service, both facilities are prepared to meet your healthcare needs at any stage of life.
October has been a busy month for the Activity Department, we did Apple Butter on the 9th and 10th. We made one-hundred and twenty quarts and thirty-seven pints, with a lot of volunteer help. We could not do this without their assistance. We are now selling the Apple Butter for $8.00 a quart.
On October 11th the WV Kickers were here from 6-7 pm to entertain the residents. They are always fun to watch, and the residents look forward to them coming. We have them scheduled to come back in November and December.
We are also looking forward to Joyce Schrum coming to entertain for the October birthday party. Then on October 19th the girls from the Vo-Tech’s Cutting-Edge School of Hair Design are coming to do the residents nails both in the morning and afternoon.
Cindy L. Evans ADC
At Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center, residents’ input regarding their care is a priority. One way we are able to get their input is through Resident’s Council. We have Resident’s Council for the Rehabilitation Center and for our Assisted Living Facility. Resident’s Council is a group of our facility’s residents that meet on a monthly basis to discuss upcoming activities and news. They also meet with facility’s supervisors and make suggestions regarding care. They also discuss issues or problems that concern them. Resident’s Council provides a link between our residents and the facility. It is a place where residents can discuss issues and obtain answers in regards to their care and their home.
Residents can choose officers for their council. At this time, our residents choose to have a social worker and an activity person to help coordinate the group, and to keep minutes. Families can participate, but only if residents agree for them to be present. Residents can choose who participates in Resident Council, including staff members.
At this time, our Resident’s Council is reorganizing a little bit. Our residents are developing a goal for the group. Through their guidance and wisdom, Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center will strive to make their home the best it can be. It is what our residents want and deserve.
We have also discussed setting up a Family Council so that families, and friends can have a forum, like Resident Council to address concerns, or ideas for our facility. If you would like to participate in the Family Council, please let one of us know in the Social Services Department.
Have a blessed Fall!
Ravenna O. Redman, MSW, LSW
Director of Social Services
On September 28th, we said farewell to long-time employee, Sally Pownell. Sally is now enjoying retirement!
The holidays are on the way. We would like to remind you that we serve special meals on both Thanksgiving and Christmas! Menus will be chosen by Residents’ Council and posted in the upcoming months. If you would like to eat with your loved ones, make your reservations as soon as possible by calling (304) 257-4233 ext. 223! Meals are $7.00 each including dessert and drinks.
Also, two of our bakers, Peggy Rohrbaugh and Beth Hall prepared three sheet cakes and one-hundred & sixty cupcakes for the pep-rally in September. They also helped serve the students on the day of the rally. A huge thank you to these ladies for their time, effort, and Viking spirit!
GRCC’s Employee of the month for the month of October is Ashlyn Hall. Ashlyn has been an employee at this facility since 2015. She began as an aide in the Food and Nutrition Services’ department. From there, she moved on to becoming a CNA and has been in the nursing department since 2016.
With cold and flu season quickly approaching, we are working hard to protect our residents from unnecessary illness and ask for your help. Please refrain from visiting the facility if you or any immediate family members present with any signs or symptoms of illness including:
• Fever
• Running Nose
• Cough
• Diarrhea
• Vomiting
Flu shots will begin at the end of the month for residents. Please make sure you have signed the flu shot paperwork for your loved one that was mailed out earlier this month.
We will be participating in trick or treat night again this year! Don’t forget to stop by on October 31st between 6pm and 7pm with your children and let our residents give them a treat!
Petersburg High School’s Homecoming Week was September 24th-28th. On Wednesday, the 26th, the Vikings’ Football Team, Marching Band, and Cheerleading Squad visited our facility for a special, afternoon pep-rally.
Afterwards, students visited with our residents and everyone was treated to cake and punch!
The month of October is Resident’s Rights Month. The theme for this year is “Speak Up: Know Your Rights and How to Use Them”. The facility will take this month to honor residents in our facility by focusing on and celebrating awareness of their rights. This will be achieved through various activities planned throughout the month. The planned activities will emphasize the importance of their rights and how to speak up and feel confident in speaking about what is important to them.
September 2018
Hello friends,
September has been a great month thus far at GRCC. We celebrated our employees with the Annual Recognition Banquet which included a wonderful dinner catered by Mr. Jeff Bosserman with cupcakes provided by Weaver’s Market. Our facility is very proud of the years of service that its employees have provided. Thank you to our employees for giving their time, gifts, and talents to make this a home like no other.
Each year, GRCC presents the Wagner-Trainum award to a special employee that has shown excellence in the following areas: Attendance, Teamwork, Compassion, Years of Service, and Attitude/Ethics. This year’s recipient was Rhonda Ours, LPN; a 25-year employee of GRCC. Rhonda is loved by her residents, and co-workers alike, and we are thankful that she is a part of the GRCC family.
Happy Fall! Greetings from the Social Services Department at Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center.
September is Healthy Aging Month. One tip to aging healthy, is to stay active physically and mentally. Exercising, such as walking, hiking, dancing, etc. helps our bodies to maintain our health. Reading, playing games, doing puzzles, etc. helps our brain continue to sustain and function properly. Another tip is to stay social. By visiting with friends, and family, volunteering, and making new friends, helps our brain’s functional health, but also our emotional health. It helps prevent depression. A third tip is to make sure you are sleeping well, and getting plenty of rest. It provides the energy for your body to function on a daily basis, but also assists our immune system in preventing illnesses.
We strive for these tips with our residents in the facility as well. Through the Forever Fit program, residents are exercising on a regular basis. Through activities, such as Bingo, Flip, Singing, and Bible Studies we engage our resident’s brains. Through coffee group, we attempt to provide social interactions for residents.
However, as a family member you are vital to help us maintain our resident’s health. By coming and visiting with your resident, interacting, staying active with their care, you can help our facility with their health and providing the best care for them. By interacting with residents, taking them for walks, engaging them in conversations with the past, will assist the resident, and you to healthy aging.
Do not regret growing older, it is a privilege denied to many. Happy Healthy Aging Month!
Ravenna O. Redman, MSW, LSW - Director of Social Services
Disaster preparedness is something our facility takes very seriously. When a resident chooses to make our facility their home, we are not only responsible to meet any physical needs and medical issues they may have, we are also to provide a safe environment.
Above and beyond the usual smoke detectors and sprinkler systems, one might think that makes a dwelling safe. We also have to meet any challenges that Mother Nature may bring our way that would interrupt operation in some way.
A perfect example of one of these challenges was the recent hurricane, Florence, in North Carolina, and what its impact might be as it moved through our area. While our building is not in a flood zone, we still had to consider the “what if’s” depending on the amount of flooding that would affect roads that could limit, for example, deliveries of supplies, deliveries of food, fuel for the emergency generator etc. Power outage was a very likely possibility. Even staff being able to get to work was a concern. Department heads met to discuss these concerns and get plans in place as we watched Florence continue its march toward the coast.
Some of the preparations we made were to have 7 days of food on site, extra supplies for care were ordered for delivery prior to the storm, the fuel tank to the generator was topped off, extra batteries and flashlights were obtained, just to name a few. Also, areas were designated for bed set up for staff, who might not be able to get home, to sleep.
Luckily, the storm did not cause this kind of an emergency to our area. But our facility was ready to meet the challenge and to keep our residents well cared for.
On September 5th, at our monthly department meeting, we had the chance to do something special for one of our employees. Peggy Rohrbaugh is celebrating her 25th anniversary here at GRCC this month. Peggy is a hard-working, dedicated employee, and she is greatly appreciated for everything she does; from cooking to cleaning and literally everything in between!
In celebration of her 25 years of service in our department, we had cake and ice cream for everyone who attended the meeting.
August 1, 2018 was the Tri-county Fair Parade which we always try to take part in. This year we decorated a float with the theme “Take Me Home Country Roads.” We got the residents and staff on the float, and we went to line up; but a down pour of rain washed us out. The residents on the float were David Sines, Mary Gilkerson, Gerald Kimble, Jane League, and Velma Lyon. Volunteers were Crystal Kline & Cody Kline. Staff included Letha Long, Jeanie Hartman-Hawk, Sierra Sites, Winnie Goldizen, Gail George and Cindy Evans.
On August 25, 2018, we had a beautiful evening for the Annual Lawn Party. A large crowd enjoyed a car show, music by the Chinese Bandits from Cumberland Md, and good food sold by many different organizations. The Lions Club sold hamburgers and cheeseburgers. The Petersburg Church of God sold hotdogs and chilidogs. The Maysville Fire Aux. sold country ham sandwiches, and Country Roads Catering sold homemade pie and ice cream. Janet Crites also sold homemade candy. Sodas and water were sold by our activity department. Volunteers helped sell drinks, 50/50 tickets, gave out door prize tickets, and registered the cars for the car show. We had nine door prizes that were given away and a 50/50 drawing was held. We want to thank all the families and friends who came to enjoy the evening with our residents.
Cindy L. Evans, Activity Director
GRCC’s Employee of the month for the month of September is Melody VanMeter. Melody has been a CNA here for nearly three years working night shift.
Melody has one son; Tyler (24), one daughter; Marcy (19), and she and her husband; Raymond, of 11 years are expecting twins in October! Also, on September 12th, she welcomed her first grandchild, a grandson named Karter!
Aside from her growing family, Melody has the companionship of her pets, and while she isn’t working, she considers spending time with family and sleeping among her favorite hobbies.
Recently, a family member of resident, Eloise Bible brought her a birdhouse containing a caterpillar. Over time, Eloise got to watch the caterpillar transform into a beautiful Monarch Butterfly. On Saturday, September 15th, she was able to go out with her family and set the butterfly free! It was a joyful event!
We will be making homemade apple butter on October 9th & 10th, 2018. Anyone who would like to help or buy apple butter, please contact the Activities Department @ (304) 257-4233 ext. 225.
We will be participating in trick or treat night again this year! Don’t forget to stop by with your children and let our residents give them a treat!
Volunteers of all ages are always needed, welcome, and encouraged at our facility. If you, a friend, or family member may be interested in becoming a volunteer, please don’t hesitate. Apply today!
More information on volunteering at our facility can be found HERE or by calling the Activities department at (304) 257-4233 ext. 225.
August 2018
Hello friends,
This month, I want to take the opportunity to discuss one of the risks to our elderly population. One of the most concerning events that can happen to our residents and community members living at home is falls. One in three people of the age of 65 will have a fall this year. Falls are now the leading cause of accidental death and rank 7th in the overall cause of death in persons 65 and older. The effects of falls reduce both activities and quality of life in older persons. Once a fall occurs, there is a 50% chance that another fall will occur within the next year. These are alarming statistics!
Here at GRCC, our staff make every effort to monitor the safety of our residents, but we certainly cannot prevent every fall in our home. If you or a loved one lives at GRCC, remove any unnecessary clutter from the living space and talk with your physician or GRCC staff member about any concerns you have with balance, walking, and coordination.
We provide non-slip footwear to everyone to improve mobility and ensure safety. Our therapy team is ready to assist you in order for you to return home or improve your stay with us. GRCC is committed to providing up-to-date information and education to our residents and community to improve quality of life.
God Bless and have a great month,
With fall right around the corner, menus will be changing in a month or so. They will include more fall/winter-oriented meals such as soups, hot sandwiches with gravy, casseroles, and of course everyone’s favorite apple and pumpkin desserts!
Also, we would like to remind you that you can join your loved one at anytime for a meal here at GRCC. The cost of lunch/dinner is $7.00 each while breakfast is $3.00. We do require at least a 24-hour notice for holiday guests.
Greetings from the Social Services Department!
Summer seems to go by faster and faster each year, and soon we will be heading into fall. We have been extremely busy, which of course makes time go by faster.
Our office is responsible for admissions to the facility. If you or a loved one is in need of our services, please contact us. We provide tours of the facility for potential residents and family members. We also work closely with residents and family members on the admission process. We have an application and admission agreement, which are both found on our website. If you or a family member are seeking placement to our rehabilitation center from a hospital, the hospital social workers or care managers can send a referral packet to our office. Once we receive a referral packet, and dependent on available beds, the admission team reviews it to ensure that our facility can provide the best care for the potential resident. At this time, our admission team includes one social worker, two nurses, a certified dietary manager and rehabilitation representative. Upon review, a resident may be accepted or declined dependent on whether the facility can meet the potential resident’s care needs.
Another form that needs to be completed prior to admission is the PAS 2000. A potential resident’s physician completes the form. This form evaluates whether or not the potential resident has the deficiencies to meet nursing home requirements. We are not permitted to admit unless the potential resident has those deficiencies.
We realize that it sounds like a lot for a potential resident and/or family members to sort through. Our office will be happy to meet with you and walk you through the process.
Hope you have a wonderful remaining summer, and we are looking forward to hoodie weather!
Social Services Department
I want to say a special “THANK YOU” to the Medical Record staff for their hard work and dedication with the most recent project of scanning documents into our Medical Record software. It’s always a challenge to add more responsibilities to our daily duties but, again, we adapted very well and made this project a success. On July 1, 2018, we began scanning lab/diagnostic reports into each resident’s medical record. Also, History and Physicals and Discharge Summaries are now being scanned into Point Click Care. I am also happy to report that other departments are coming onboard with document scanning into the Electronic Health Record. THANK YOU to all staff continuing to move forward with the implementation of an Electronic Health Record at Grant Rehab and Care Center.
Fran Hedrick, Medical Record Coordinator
GRCC’s Employee of the month for the month of August is Karen Parsons. Karen is a member of our Environmental Services Team. She has been employed here for twenty-four years. Karen and her husband John of 33 years have a 27-year-old son, Jonathan. In her spare time, Karen enjoys crafts, gardening, reading, and talking with the residents here at GRCC.
A special thank you to Scott Kesner, pictured with his mother and GRCC Board of Directors member, Nan Kesner. Mr. Kesner is the Executive Vice President of United Central Industrial Supply of Bristol, Tennessee. Even though Scott no longer lives in the area, he generously donated ten digital (MP3) music players with blue tooth headphones for our residents to use and enjoy.
Each device has been programed with various types of music from the 50s,60s, 70s, as well as Gospel, Country, and Instrumental Piano and Guitar. Scott donated the devices in honor of his mother, Nan, and father, Buddy Kesner. Scott stated, “My mother has been an avid supporter of the nursing home for years and I wanted to do something nice for her.”
GRCC salutes you Scott as an outstanding supporter of our home!
From all of us,
Thank you!
On July 25th, residents and staff enjoyed the afternoon with ice cream floats! Also on this day; Gerald Kimble & Jane League, who were married at the facility last summer, celebrated their first anniversary!
Volunteers of all ages are always needed, welcome, and encouraged at our facility. If you, a friend, or family member may be interested in becoming a volunteer, please don’t hesitate. Apply today!
More information on volunteering at our facility can be found HERE or by calling the Activities department at (304) 257-4233 ext. 225.
July 2018
During a recent Management Team meeting, we all laughed when the comment was made that it’s less than six months to Christmas! It is hard to believe we are half way through the year, but we try to remember that each and every day is a gift as we work toward the next deadline, project, or solution to issues we face in long term care. Our staff has endured many challenges regarding loss of loved ones, illness, and accidents, but the faith of this group of folks is like none other I have experienced in the workplace. Every morning we begin with the day’s objectives and then we pray for guidance and grace to meet those objectives. I credit our success to these daily prayers. We are also very blessed by a supportive Board of Directors. These folks are dedicated to seeing that residents are provided the best care and that the employees have a great place to work. Thank you to the following Board members for their continued years of service:
Reverend Richard “Dick” Longbon, Chairman: 21 years
Clayton Baker: 7 years Charlie Combs: 5 years
Joe Evans: 7 years Donnalie Hope: 10 years
Nan Kesner: 19 yearsBernadine Kessel: 13 years
Eileen Schell: 4 years Roger Sites: 3 years
God Bless and have a great month,
GRCC’s Employee of the month for the month of July is Cassandra Hanlin, RN. Cassandra is our Health Service Supervisor. She has been employed at this facility for fourteen years. Cassandra has been married for five years and has a two-year-old son. She and her husband are expecting baby number two in February 2019. When she isn’t working, Cassandra enjoys reading, cooking, and helping out at the fire department.
Summer is here, and residents are enjoying it by sitting on the patio or the front porch when it isn’t too hot to be outside. The Activity Department always does a picnic lunch for residents who can participate during this month to celebrate the 4th of July and the summer season. We divide the residents into two groups doing one group a day, and usually they have their meal in the activity room due to the heat outside during the noon meal. This year we plan on doing the dinners on July 24th and 25th. The meal will consist of hot dogs with chili, macaroni salad, chips, watermelon and a drink of their choosing from our soda machines. These meals have always been a big hit with our residents.
On August 1st, we will have a float in the Tri-County Fair Parade and will have at least four of our residents riding on the float. We always ask a nurse to go with us on this night to make sure our residents stay safe.
The annual lawn party is coming up on Saturday, August 25th from 4:00 until 7:00 p.m. There will be free entertainment by the Chinese Bandits from Cumberland, Md. , a car show, flea market and lots of good food to purchase. We will also have door prizes, and a 50/50 drawing (tickets will be for sale that evening or you may purchase them from activity staff). If you would like to have a flea market spot (cost is $10.00 and you will need to bring your own tables), contact the Activity Department (304-257-4233 ext. 225). If there is no answer, leave a message with your number, and we will return your call.
Please plan to join us for this fun filled evening! This is a good time to spend with friends or family who are residents here. Residents need to have someone with them while out for the evening so please come and help them enjoy the celebration. All proceeds are used for extra activities and/or dinners (such as the picnic meals) for the residents.
As always, we can use volunteers. If you have some extra time and you would like to share that time, please give us a call! We are also still taking applications for 2 part time jobs in the Activity Department, if interested in doing either of these things contact the Activity Department or visit our facility website. Thank You for your support of our residents and the Activity Department. God Bless each of you. We hope you have a good summer.
Barbara L. Mauzy ADC, Activity Director
We would like to welcome back to our department a former employee; Jennifer Alexander. Jennifer will be working as a Dietary Aide, and we are very pleased and excited to have her back with us.
On July Fourth, we served up a special holiday meal chosen by our residents. That meal consisted of Chili Dogs, Macaroni Salad, Vegetable Sticks, Chips, Watermelon, and
Deviled Eggs.
Greetings from the Social Work Department of GRCC! Hope everyone had a blessed and wonderful 4th of July holiday, celebrating our Nation’s independence.
Independence is a fact or state of being independent. Independent means free from outside control and not depending on another’s authority. As Americans, we value our independence and making our own decisions. However, as we get older, our physical and mental abilities cause us to slowly lose our independence. It sometimes starts with not having the ability to dive at night, to eventually not driving at all, to maybe not being able to stay alone in our own homes that we have worked so hard to earn and live in. Our loved ones, and eventually ourselves will have to have time to adjust and mourn this lost independence.
During this month celebrating independence, we need to be reminded that our residents lived a full vibrant life prior to being placed in our facility. They are used to making decisions for themselves, and as staff and family, we need to honor the decisions that they are making while trying to find a balance of maintaining safety for them in some cases. We need to help them to continue their vibrant life while staying with us.
As always, thank you for sharing your family members with us. We enjoy the privilege and gift of being part of their lives. Hope you have a wonderful July.
Firstly, I would like to welcome two new employees; Samantha Kisamore and Sierra Sites, to the Housekeeping Department. We are happy to have them aboard!
At this time, we are spring cleaning and waxing the floors throughout the facility. We encourage families to help out by going through closets to remove any items of clothing that may be too large or too small. This will allow residents to have adequate closet space.
Also, please be reminded that any new items of clothing that is brought into the facility must first be taken to the laundry department to have the residents’ name placed in them.
Have a great summer from the housekeeping and laundry staff!
Donna Carr,
Laundry/Housekeeping Supervisor
June 2018
From the Administrator’s Desk
This month, I wanted to share with you some information on Alzheimer’s Disease. Many of you may have a loved one that has been affected by this disease and GRCC recognizes the need for family support when a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. I have gathered some facts from Alzheimer’s Association so that we can promote a better understanding of the impact this disease has on our community and nation.
• Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia, a general term for memory loss and other cognitive abilities serious enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer's disease accounts for 60 to 80 percent of dementia cases.
• Alzheimer's is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior. Symptoms usually develop slowly and get worse over time, becoming severe enough to interfere with daily tasks
• Alzheimer's worsens over time. Alzheimer's is a progressive disease, where dementia symptoms gradually worsen over a number of years. In its early stages, memory loss is mild, but with late-stage Alzheimer's, individuals lose the ability to carry on a conversation and respond to their environment.
• Alzheimer's has no current cure, but treatments for symptoms are available and research continues. Although current Alzheimer's treatments cannot stop Alzheimer's from progressing, they can temporarily slow the worsening of dementia symptoms and improve quality of life for those with Alzheimer's and their caregivers. Today, there is a worldwide effort under way to find better ways to treat the disease, delay its onset, and prevent it from developing.
• If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's or a related dementia, you are not alone. The Alzheimer's Association is the trusted resource for reliable information, education, referral and support to millions of people affected by the disease.
• Call the 24/7 Helpline: 800.272.3900
Each year, Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center presents a $2,500 scholarship award to one recipient in the tri-county area. The recipient must be a high school senior or a current GRCC employee who is entering into a nationally certified nursing (RN) program in the state of West Virginia. This year, we are proud to announce that the scholarship award went to Petersburg High School graduate, and GRCC employee, Adrianna Waldron.
Adrianna has been employed at GRCC since the summer of 2016. She is a member of the National Honor Society and will be attending Eastern West Virginia Community & Technical College in August 2018. Adrianna is the daughter of Randy and Sandra Waldron of Petersburg.
Nursing News
National Nursing Assistant Week was June 14th-21st. Our aides were treated to cake and ice cream on June 20th. Each aide also received a gift; a token of our gratitude for all that they do. Thank you, Nursing Assistants, you are all greatly appreciated!
Nutrition Services’ News
On Father’s Day June17th, we served residents and guests a meal that was chosen by our resident council that consisted of steak with gravy, mashed potatoes, corn on cob, homemade hot rolls and peach cobbler.
Employee of the Month
GRCC’s Employee of the Month for the month of June 2018 is Judy Redman. Judy is a CNA and works primarily as a Restorative Aide. She has been employed here at Grant Rehab & Care since 1983.
A resident of Moorefield, Judy enjoys the time she spends here working with both residents and staff. In her free time, she enjoys reading and doing word search puzzles.
The month of June has seen the residents doing their favorite activities, especially the games of bingo and flip. The residents had made a request to play some active games so we have added these games to the calendar 2 times per week. On Wednesdays, the residents compete against each other in various games, which also aid in keeping arms and hands working. The winners are awarded a dollar for their efforts. A snack and a drink are often included in the activity.
The monthly birthday party was held on the 20th of June and the Harman’s came to entertain during the party. June is also the month that we take residents shopping at Walmart. The 27th will be the day for several of them to go on that trip. We will be taking shorter trips this year so as many residents who wish to go shopping can go. We try to take some shopping trips closer to Christmas and even go to the mall in LaVale to shop and spend the day. A special thank-you to all who help to make these trips special for the residents.
Looking forward to July, the activity department will be doing picnics with the resident for all who can participate. We do have several volunteers who are having health issues and have not been able to volunteer, we remember them in prayer and hope they will be back with us soon. If you would be interested in volunteering, please contact the Activity Department for an application.
The Activity Department is still trying to find 2 people who would like to work in the Activity Department on a part time basis. If you are interested in one of these positions, please contact Barbara Mauzy ACD, Activity Director (304-257-4233 ext. 249) for information and an application or submit one on our website.
~Barbara L Mauzy ADC, Activity Director
May 2018
Hello Family and Friends,
I have officially been a part of the GRCC family for one year and time certainly does fly! I remember my grandparents telling me that the older you get, the faster time goes, and have found that this old saying holds true.
This month, some of the members of my Management Team had the opportunity to travel to Charleston, WV for the WV Health Care Association Annual Convention. At the convention, GRCC was recognized for No Loss Time Injuries for 6 consecutive months as well as Deficiency Free in Life Safety for Assisted Living in 2017. We learned a great deal about upcoming regulatory changes, payment model changes, and improving Resident care.
Renovations have started on the Richard “Dick” Longbon Physical Rehabilitation Unit. We are hoping to unveil the new unit in September 2018 to benefit our Residents while in the facility and for any therapy after their discharge. If you or your organization would like to make a donation to this unit, feel free to reach out to me by email/phone. You can also mail your tax-deductible donation to the facility address with instructions in the memo line.
Additional Notes:
We recently completed our 2018 Health Survey for Assisted Living and were found to be Deficiency Free! Congratulations to all the staff that provide services for our Assisted Living community.
Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center is a Veteran’s Association approved contract provider. If you have questions about eligibility regarding VA placement, contact our Social Services Department.
Thank you and have a blessed month!
Greetings from the Social Services Department of Grant Rehabilitation Care Center! We wanted to take this opportunity to discuss Residents’ Rights. Upon admission to the facility the resident or responsible family member is presented with the Resident’s Bill of Rights. Resident’s Bills of Rights are also given to the resident or family member once a year as a reminder. We also discuss Resident’s Rights in Resident Council. Upon admission, the facility becomes the resident’s home, which means many of the same things they did at home, they have the right to do in the facility. They continue to have a say in their care, and the ability to make choices.
Choices are important to a resident’s self-worth. In a placement, where a resident has lost many freedoms, the ones that they can maintain is vital to their emotional well-being. The more that they are able to choose things for themselves, the better it is for the resident.
Examples of resident’s rights are the following: residents have the ability to deny care. They have the ability to choose or decline activities. They have the ability to choose their own clothing. They have the ability to decide when they get up or go to bed. If they have the mental ability, they can also have romantic relationships, and the facility has to provide privacy for the couple. Residents have the right to have visitors, and the facility has to provide privacy for those visits. If you have any questions regarding resident’s rights please stop in at the Social Services office and we would be glad to provide you with a copy and discuss them.
As stated before, residents have the right to choose their clothing. As the weather warms up, families bring in resident’s “summer clothing.” This is fantastic, however, if you bring in different clothing, please remove some clothing in order to make space for the new clothing. Unfortunately, our closets are not big enough to hold all the clothing. Please let the CNAs know of what clothing is brought in, and which is taken out, so that the inventory sheets can be updated, and so that they can be properly labeled.
Hope you have a blessed Spring!
Ravenna O. Redman, MSW, LSW
Director of Social Services
Our department helped Activities prepare for the Volunteer Banquet that was held on April 17th. On April 19th we served lunch for the Terry Shobe Independent Housing Committee. They enjoyed a chef salad, tomato stuffed with cheese salad, croissants, pie and beverage.
On Mother’s Day, May 13th, we served residents and guests a meal that was chosen by our Assisted Living Residents. It consisted of Meatloaf, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans & Corn, Homemade Hot Rolls, and Strawberry Cream Pie. To go along with Mother’s Day, one of our staff members (Sally Pownell) made a wonderful bulletin board outside the department in honor of our mothers. Thank you Sally you did a great job!
We started our spring and summer menus in May. There are items that residents and employees both requested on the menus, i.e. gravy bread, chili dogs, taco salad and chef salad just to name a few.
We would like to send out congratulations to Beth Hall on the birth of her granddaughter Lakeleigh Deane Wratchford, and to Madison Hall who is Lakeleigh’s aunt.
We would also like to congratulate four employees who graduated from school this spring. Calei Reel and Adrianna Waldron who graduated high school, and Robyn Alt and Mycala Whetzel who both earned college degrees. Way to go girls! We are proud very of you!!
Sheila Phares, CDM, CFPP
Director of Food and Nutrition Services
GRCC’s Employee of the Month for May is Beautician Deanna Evans. Deanna started out here at Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center as a Volunteer in 1996 before becoming employed. She has been married to her husband Steve for twenty-four years, and they have two daughters; Deprise and Desiree. In addition to being our full time Beautician, Deanna has her instructor’s license and is a substitute teacher at the Cutting Edge School of Hair Design.
The month of May has been a busy one for residents and staff with the celebration of National Nursing Home Week that began as it does each year with Mother’s Day on May 13th. Gary Michael, Mayor of Petersburg, came to sign a proclamation declaring National Nursing Week, with two residents, Mary Margaret Michael and Eston Kesner as witness to the signing, along with Kari Evans, Administrator and Barbara Mauzy, Activity Director. We thank Gary for taking time out of his busy schedule to do this for us.
On Monday, forty-one ladies got glamor shots taken! A big thank you to Donna Lee Hope who furnished hats and boas, Deanna Evans, Beautician for coming in on her day off to pretty up the ladies and to Amanda VanMeter, Dietary Office Manager for taking the pictures.
We’d also like to thank The Harman’s who came to entertain residents at the monthly birthday party and Grant Memorial Hospice for furnishing the cake for that event. The local VFW Post came on Thursday morning to do a program of remembrance and to honor our Veterans. Each resident in attendance was given a flag. We really appreciate these Veterans who are still serving their country by doing these programs.
The WV kickers were scheduled to come and dance for the residents but had to cancel due to all the rain, however, they rescheduled for the 24th at 6:00 p.m. We appreciate their coming.
The therapy department got in on the fun with a dance routine for the residents. They help each year and we are blessed to have a great group of folks in that dept. On Friday morning, and again in the afternoon the cosmetology class from Vo-Tech came to do the ladies’ nails. It is always a treat to have these students visit. We want to thank all of the other volunteers who came at their regular times to help with activities as well, we are blessed with such wonderful volunteers.
On Wednesday, May 23rd held a short Memorial Service led by Pastor Rick Bergdoll to remember Tina Turner, who was a Dietary Aide. Tina touched many lives here, residents as well as staff, with her love for life and serving God by servicing others. Tina is truly missed by all who knew her.
The Activity Department is still taking applications for a part time Activity Aide, if interested, please submit an application. Thank-you!
Barbara L. Mauzy, ADC, Activity Director
National Nurses’ Week was May 6th through May 12th. We celebrated on May 10th with a cake donated by Grant Memorial Hospice. All of our nurses are greatly appreciated! Thank you for your time and commitment to our residents.
This month we dedicated our Elder Housing area as the Terry Shobe Independent Housing and Retirement Campus in honor of our previous Administrator, Mr. Terry Shobe. Terry Served as Administrator for 34 years at GRCC and was instrumental in obtaining the certificated of need that permitted the County Commission to begin construction for the facility we have today. Among those here for the dedication were Terry Shobe and his wife Pam, Administrator; Kari Evans, Board Members; Nan Kesner and Richard Longbon, and housing residents; Charles and Nancy Heck.
April 2018
Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter! We are pleased to be able to provide you with monthly updates regarding the “happenings” of our home! As I write this note, I hear the musical sounds of the piano playing in the chapel and the laughter of residents that are conversing with staff. It warms my heart to be a part of such a place and am very proud to work in this organization. I had the pleasure of attending the 2018 GRCC Volunteer Banquet and was overwhelmed by the amount of friendship and encouragement we receive from our community members. Many thanks to each of you that donate your time and talent to our residents.
We continue to look for new methods to improve the lives of our residents. Recently, some of our staff had the opportunity to examine an upgraded bathing system that allows for ambulatory and non-ambulatory residents alike to have a spa-like bathing experience while meeting all industry standards for cleanliness.
As Spring Mountain Festival approaches, we are preparing to participate at the park by setting up a table and offering our newly designed brochures for individuals that would like more information about our facility. Stop by and say hello! A big “thank you” to Rachel Stark for assisting with the development of our brochures and new logo. She did a great job of incorporating our vision for the future as well as honoring our history. Have a great month!
Happy Easter to you from the Social Services Department!!!! Hope you had a blessed holiday.
Our Department wanted to take this opportunity to inform you that Medicare is starting to mail new Medicare cards starting this month (April). Cards may arrive at different times. Medicare is no longer utilizing Social Security numbers. The new card will have a new number unique to you or your resident. Once you receive the new card, please destroy the old card. Protect the new Medicare number by only providing them to the appropriate health care providers. Healthcare providers are aware of the change occurring. If you receive the new card for your resident, please provide a copy of the card to the Administration office or Social Services Office. The new card is paper. If you forget the new card, the number can be looked up online. If your resident has a Medicare Advantage Card, (HMO or PPO, example- Humana)- the Medicare Advantage Plan ID card is the main card for Medicare. Please keep that card, and use it whenever the resident needs care. The new Medicare card may also be requested as well, so please keep both.
If you don’t receive the new Medicare card by April 2019, you can contact 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to stop or contact the Social Services office.
Ravenna O. Redman, MSW, LSW
Director of Social Services
April came in with Easter falling on April Fool’s day. Residents were blessed with family and visitors on that day. They love having visitors even when it isn’t a holiday, so visit often and whenever you can!
The weekly activities will be continuing with bingo as it is always one of the favorites. However, we have added exercise games which will be listed under “activities choice” two times per month on a Wednesday afternoon. Residents love these exercise and skill games where they are actively throwing balls, ringing pegs, tossing popcorn balls into movie popcorn containers, etc.
On April 17th, we honored our volunteers with a meal and a special meal of thanks for the many hours they give to provide our residents with activities. We could not provide many of these activities without their time, dedication, and help. If you would like to become a volunteer, please contact the activity department for information at 304-257-4233 ext. 225.
The Memory Unit’s Activities have been going well. The ladies decorated hats for Easter and had their pictures taken in them so that the photos could be displayed in the facility.
We are also accepting applications for a part-time activity aide. If you are interested in applying for this position, please contact the Activity Department for an application and information or visit our website.
In April, our department prepared and served over forty guests for Easter lunch.
This month, the Nutrition Services Department would like to recognize three new Employees: Jaimee Carr, Elizabeth Hedrick, and Kinsey Whetzel! They join our team as Dietary Aides and we are very excited to welcome them aboard!
Sheila Phares, Director of Food and Nutrition Services, CDM, CFPP
March 2018
Residents and staff alike are anxiously awaiting the season of spring here at Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center! Recently, I had the opportunity to visit with a longtime family friend and business owner in Petersburg. She reminded me that there are many individuals in this community that are looking for opportunities to volunteer their time and talents to others in need. I would like to officially extend an offer to interested individuals to contact us for the purpose of volunteering. Volunteers provide residents in long term care a sense of integrity, stability, and contentment, which enhances the other service lines within the organization. If you or someone you know would like to volunteer at GRCC and make a difference in the lives of others, we encourage you to contact us for more information.
The Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center Foundation provides an opportunity for community members to build a lasting legacy within our organization. The GRCC Foundation’s first project is to raise funds for the Reverend Richard “Dick” Longbon Physical Rehabilitation Unit. Donations are being accepted and will be recognized in the new therapy unit by a Donor Recognition plaque displaying all sponsorship levels. Opportunities for sponsorship include a simple monetary donation to patronage of new therapy equipment, a private treatment room, or occupational treatment area. Donations are tax deductible. For more information about becoming a sponsor to our projects, contact me directly at 304-257-4233 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Additional information regarding our therapy unit renovation and sponsorship is included in this newsletter (see page 4).
All my best,
Happy National Social Work Month!
The Ethics Committee for Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center has been re-established. Ethics are “moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity.” At times, situations occur and there does not seem to be a clear cut answer. These situations can involve our residents, staff members, or providers. Even though multiple solutions may have been attempted to solve the situation, the situation may remain, and this is when the Ethics Committee would be involved. The Ethics Committee will meet with everyone involved in order to obtain an appropriate solution.
At this time, the following people are members of the GRCC Ethics Committee: Dr. Caroline Armstrong, Shelia Phares, Certified Dietary Manager, Kari Evans, Nursing Home Administrator, Ann Kielar, Director Of Nursing, Christina Thorne, Assistant Director Of Nursing, Pastor Larry Hakes, Amy Rotruck, Social Services Assistant, and Ravenna O. Redman, Director of Social Services.
If you believe that you may have an situation that needs to be reviewed by the Ethics Committee, forms are available to you at the front and back nurses’ desk in the filing cabinet, and at the Social Services. Please complete the referral form, and return to the Social Services. Once returned to the Social Services office, the committee will start the Ethics Review process.
If you have any questions regarding the Ethics Committee, please contact us in the Social Services. Again, thank you for allowing us to serve your resident.
Social Services
I am proud to announce that our department was deficiency free during our annual state survey and I am very pleased with the hard work and dedication that each employee has given to make our survey a success!! Great Job!!
Resident council in February chose the following meals for Easter day at noon: Baked Ham, Baked Sweet Potato, Succotash, Homemade Hot Roll, Deviled Egg and Coconut Pie.
If you would like to eat with your loved one(s), please notify the dietary department in advance at 304-257-4233 ext. 223. The cost of a meal is $7.00 including beverage.
This month, we were saddened by the death of our beloved coworker and friend, Tina Turner, on February 26, 2018. Tina was employed as a dietary aide since November 12, 2010. She was always full of joy and was well loved by the residents and her coworkers. While our department mourns her passing; we are also comforted by the knowledge that she is in God’s hands. We extend our deepest condolences to all of her family and friends.
Sheila Phares
Director of Food and Nutrition Services
GRCC’s Employee of the Month for March 2018 is Cathy Harman. Cathy is a Registered Nurse who has been employed at GRCC since 1997. She is the mother of three children and is a Grandmother to seven. She attends Love Church, and aside from being a nurse and caring for our residents, Cathy also enjoys outdoor photography.
Residents have been busy with regular activities as well as having several special activities to celebrate different events.
Saturday, March 10th, South Branch Youth came and did a craft activity with residents, they are looking at doing this on a monthly basis. On Wednesday, the 14th, the residents celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with Green Flip and Green Exercise Games. There were also Green treats and prizes for those who scored the highest on the games.
On March 15th, seven residents attended the dressed rehearsal of Grease at the Landes Art Center. Dwight Baker, Maintenance Supervisor; Letha Long, RN; Tammy Eckard, CNA; Aimee Minor, Social Worker and the Activity Assistant were among the staff that accompanied the residents to the play. Our thanks go to WV Theater East for inviting our residents.
We have started a new activity program for the Memory Unit. There have been a lot of good results and responses from the residents who are on the unit. Winnie Goldizen, Activity Aide will be heading up that program with assistance from Gail George, Activity Aide when needed. The program will be Monday thru Friday.
Music is always good therapy, and since both ladies play piano, we would like to have one for on that hall for them to use with this program. If you know of anyone who would like to donate or sell a piano for a small fee please contact Barbara Mauzy, Activity Director at (304) 257-4233 ext. 249
On Tuesday, March 27th, at 10:00 a.m., residents will be coloring eggs for Easter. They will then get to enjoy eating the eggs during Coffee Shop at 1:30 p.m. on March 29th. Pastor Hakes will have a Good Friday Communion Service on Friday, March 30th.
Thank you to all of our volunteers who give their time to help provide activities for our residents. If you would like to become a volunteer, giv us a call or visit our website to download an application.
Barbara L. Mauzy, ADC
Activity Director
Our staff is dedicated to working with all our residents to provide them with the best care possible, and to help provide comfort and a sense of well-being for our residents.
One program our nursing department offers is called Safe Harbor. This is a palliative care program designed for our residents who are experiencing a decline in their health status for any reason. Safe Harbor is not a Hospice program, although the objective of both Safe Harbor and Hospice is pain and symptom relief.
Safe Harbor residents are not required to meet Medicare eligibility in order to receive these services. If you have questions, you can contact our Safe Harbor Nurse, Kami Dayton, RN, or call the facility directly at 304-257-4233.
Residents have the right to choose the program of their choice when this type of service is needed. We will be happy to provide more information or answer any questions you may have about program options.
The Medical Record staff would like to give a warm “WELCOME” to Heather Barger, FNPBC, as she joins GRCC’s TEAM of PHYSICIANS. Heather will be alternating rounds with Doctors Bruce Leslie, Stephen Thompson, Caroline Armstrong, and Benjamin Leslie. We are all excited to work with her and give her a big HEARTFELT WELCOME!
Fran Hedrick, Medical Record Coordinator
Mindy Evans, Medical Record Secretary
Jodi Cook, Desk Clerk
Anna Berg, Desk Clerk
On February 1st, GRCC hosted its First Annual Employee Soup Cook-Off! Employees were encouraged to prepare their favorite homemade soup for a contest/fundraiser that accepted free-will offerings to benefit our new Resident Fund.
Among the participants were Beautician, DeAnna Evans; Director of Nursing, Ann Kielar; Medical Records Coordinator, Fran Hedrick; Nurse, Jeanie Carr; and Assistant Director of Nursing, Christina Thorne.
Of these five soup entries, the winner was Fran Hedrick who made a delicious Taco Soup! Administrator, Kari Evans presented Fran with her prize; a gift card from Sheetz!
The month of January was very busy and productive at GRCC. We successfully completed our annual state survey and found that all the hard work we have been doing to prepare for survey has paid off. In addition, we achieved a deficiency free status for our Life Safety Survey.
We continue to prepare for our upcoming Therapy Department renovation and our Board of Directors has determined that our new Therapy area will be dedicated as the Reverend Richard “Dick” Longbon Physical Rehabilitation Unit. More details regarding the renovation and dedication will provided in the very near future.
The GRCC Board of Directors will also be dedicating our Elder Housing area as the Terry Shobe Independent Living Campus in honor of our previous Administrator, Mr. Terry Shobe. Terry served as Administrator for 34 years at GRCC and was instrumental in obtaining the certificate of need that permitted the County Commission to begin construction for the facility we have today.
In closing, we also want to thank the many individuals that have recently sent memorials to us in honor of their friends and loved ones. We are truly grateful and will continue to strive to provide the best care to the residents of the GRCC community. Have a blessed month!
The Social Services Department provides a variety of services for our residents and their families. We complete tours of the facility, and handle the admissions into the facility. We also complete discharges and arrange for services for residents returning to the community. We arrange family meetings. We complete assessments of our residents and participate in care planning. We also complete resident complaints/grievances for the residents and/or family members. We assist families in completing the necessary Medicaid paperwork. We assist residents in paying their bills. We also are able to complete Medical Power of Attorney and/or Living Will documentation. We visit with our residents and often they come in our office just to catch up. It is a pleasure meeting the needs of our residents and their families.
An old Chinese proverb, states, “If a family has an old person in it, it possesses a jewel.” At the Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center, we are blessed to have many such jewels. Each resident is full of a rich history of experiences, wisdom, and love. They have so much to offer the community with their stories, and insightful antidotes. In this month of Valentine’s and love, show your love to the residents, and give the gift of your time, and they will bless you with theirs.
Thank you for sharing your jewels with us, because it is a blessing to be part of our residents’ lives.
Social Services
This month, the Nutrition Services Department would like to recognize our newest
Employee, Kay Adamson! Kay joins our team as an aide, and we are very excited
to welcome her aboard!
For Valentine’s Day, our staff prepared special pink, frosted cupcakes for the
residents to enjoy at lunchtime!
Also, February is Heart Healthy Month! Below are some ways to cut down on sodium:
- Eat out less. Home cooked meals will reduce the amount of processed foods.
- Incorporate more Fruits and Vegetables.
- Choose fresh foods over ready-to-eat, processed foods.
- Look for the Heart-Checkmark! Foods that the American Heart Association recognizes as Heart-Healthy options have this special label.
February’s Employee of the Month is Angie Engle. Angie has been a part of our staff since June 2012. She started out as a General Duty Aide and became our facility’s receptionist in February 2014. Angie and her husband of sixteen years, Brian, have two sons: Evan age; 15 and Ethan; age 10. She attends Riverside Church and enjoys doing crafts as well as spending time with her family.
Residents enjoyed a Valentine’s Day celebration with Big Macs, cheeseburgers, and French fries; depending on which they wanted. The meals were served on the 13th and 14th with a total of 59 residents participating. The meals were made possible by monetary donations from two separate groups for which we are very appreciative. The residents really enjoyed the meal.
On Thursday, February 15th, we welcomed the WV Kickers. It’s always a joy for the residents to see them perform.
The monthly Birthday Party was held on February 20th with Joyce Schetrom coming to play the piano and sing with them.
We are so thankful for all of our volunteers who come and make life more enjoyable for our residents.
As well as the special activities, we also have had all the regular daily activities that the residents enjoy such as bingo, flip, music & singing, worship services, Let’s Have Fun, and Jingo.
We are currently doing Spring Cleaning throughout the facility. Family & Friends are encouraged to help minimize clutter in resident rooms and closets.
Please be advised that due to fire codes, nothing can be stacked above the “Do Not Stack Above” tape line in the closets.
The holidays are an especially busy time around Grant Rehabilitation & Care Center. The residents enjoy decorations, caroling, special Christmas programs, and parties that all lead up to Christmas Day when they can enjoy a special meal prepared for them and their guests.
Employees also enjoy this time of year as they get to spend some quality time with the residents while decorating and celebrating.
During the week of Dec. 18 -22, each wing was treated to a Christmas Party and a special visit from Santa.
This year, we had our first “Ugly Sweater” contest! Employees were encouraged to wear their most festive “Ugly Sweater” so that residents could vote for their favorites.
On December 18th, accompanied by their Principal & Assistant Principal, members of Petersburg High School’s Student Council came in to visit with the residents. They brought with them handmade cards for each resident.
Greetings! We are very excited to publish our new and improved newsletter to residents, families, staff and community. It has been an amazing 6 months as the new administrator at Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center. I am very blessed by a supportive staff that works so hard and are very committed to the residents of our organization. We have made many transformations to our processes in response to changes at the state and federal level. Our team has successfully written a Quality Assurance Performance Improvement (QAPI) plan that will ensure that standards for quality of service and outcomes is maintained at acceptable levels in relation to those standards. That sounds like a real mouthful, but it is the driving force of making sure that we identify any changes or issues early on and design a plan that will help each department be successful at finding solutions to those challenges.
We are also in the process of fully implementing our electronic health record and information technology systems. We are very pleased to be assisted in this project by Isinguard Technology Group Inc. Once this challenge has been met, we will be looking at additional improvements that benefit our residents and staff through technology services.
GRCC is very pleased to announce we will begin renovations to our Therapy Department in February 2018. This renovation will allow for more equipment and services to be provided to our residents while here at our facility and after their discharge home. There will more information in the near future for community organizations and individuals that would like to make a contribution to this project. A big thank you to Thrasher Group for providing planning and architectural assistance as we move forward with this initiative.
In closing, we look forward to 2018 being one of our most successful and prosperous years yet. Our vision statement at GRCC is that we are a home where we respect individuality, encourage hope, and give comfort. With the support of our wonderful community and staff, there is no limit to what we can achieve together.
Thank you and God Bless!
“Nutrition Services’ News”
The nutrition services department would like to welcome some new employees.
Madison Hall, Dietary Aide; Jennifer Conrad, Baker: Bill Elswick, Baker: Patience Elgin, Dietary Aide.
We are very pleased to have the join our team.
Our department has been very busy with the recent holidays. On Thanksgiving Day, we served 60 plus guests for lunch. For the residents Christmas parties, we made all varieties of homemade goodies, i.e. potato candy, different kinds of fudge and cookies just to name a few. On Christmas Eve for dinner we had our facility tradition of being served oysters for those who wanted them. We were able to serve the oysters with the support of a donation by the Petersburg Lions Club. We are very thankful for their generosity. On Christmas Day for lunch we served over 50 guests.
With both Thanksgiving and Christmas Day meals we made homemade hot rolls and we had homemade apple butter that was made in our facility by the Activities Department. The holiday meals were chosen by the Resident Council Groups.
We celebrated our department Christmas party for those who wanted and were able to attend.
Sheila Phares, Director of Food and Nutrition Services, CDM, CFPP
“Activity Notes”
December was a busy month for the Activities Department and the residents, as always. Some of the activities were as follows: On December 6th, Denver Riggleman, also known as Santa’s Elf, came to pick up toys for the Toys for Tots Program. Every year, residents who want to donate some of the money they win from bingo or flip to buy toys can do so. This year they donated 45 toys. That same evening, residents who chose to, went to Welton Park to see the Christmas Lights, and then had hot cocoa and cookies when they returned (special thanks to Letha Long, Karen Parsons, and Charlotte Rohrbaugh & Grandson for helping that evening).
The week of December 18-21 was the resident Christmas Parties with one hall having a party each day. For each party, a lay speaker or Pastor came and did a short Christmas program. Then Santa visited, and each resident who wanted to, had a picture taken with him. Residents each received a Christmas necklace and refreshments made by the dietary department (thanks for all the goodies!).
A big thank you to all who came and did programs for these parties. Special thanks to Charles Goldizen who took on the role of Santa again this year. We would also like to thank all of the churches, 4-H groups, boy scouts, school groups, and individuals who visited, provided music and other programs, brought gifts, or otherwise gave cheer to the residents. The residents so enjoy these things and are always open to visits as well as new programs, so please come and visit us again. If you would like to set a time to come, please contact the activity department at (304) 257-2433 ext. 225 or stop by and talk to us.
“Notes from Social Service”
Happy New Year from the Social Services Department!
It was wonderful to see all the families and visitors during the holiday season. Family engagement and visitation are vital to our residents, not just through the holiday season but throughout the year.
Unfortunately, though our residents do have a compromised immune system, and if you are not feeling well, please attempt to refrain from visiting, until you are feeling better. The facility will seek to assist in other methods of visitation, such as telephone calls until you are feeling better. If you are not feeling well, but still would like to engage in a telephone visitation, please feel free to contact our office. Residents also enjoy receiving cards and letters. Please ensure that their name is on the envelope.
“Nursing News”
The Certified Nursing Assistant class has come to completion, and there are seven new employees on our team. We would like to congratulate and wish them the best as they embark on their career at this organization.
We are happy to announce that Christina Thorne is our new Assistant Director of Nursing (ADON). Christina has been with our facility for 20 years as a staff nurse and nursing supervisor.
Also, we’d like to announce that Cassandra Hanlin has been named our new Nursing Health Supervisor. Cassie has been working at GRCC for 11 years as a staff and charge nurse.
Please join us in congratulating them on their new position in the facility. We are looking forward to working with both of them in their new roles.
“Employee of the Month”
GRCC’s Employee of the Month for the month of January 2018 is Pammy Mitchell. Pammy joined our staff in April 2006. She has been married to Greg Mitchell for 17 years. They have two children Cody; age 13 and Cady; age 3. They live on a farm in Upper Tract, raising cattle and pigs. Pammy also grows vegetables and strawberries in her high-tunnel. Her hobbies are farming, gardening, hunting, fishing, crocheting, weaving baskets, and wood working. Her special interests are her children, the elderly, history, photography, and passing her love for farming to future generations. She attends Rig Assembly of God Church. Pammy is also a WV Master Gardener and active member of the Home Advisory Committee at Southern States, WV Farm Bureau, and WV Cattle Women’s Association.
Special Thank You!
~Petersburg Lion’s Club for the monetary donation toward Oysters for Christmas Eve.
~Petersburg 7-11 for 18 large Coloring Books donated to the Activities Department.
July 1, 2017
New Administrator!
In light of Mr. Shobe’s retirement, we got to welcome our new administrator, Kari Evans. Kari is a lifelong resident of Grant County. She has been married to Micah for 20 years, and they have three children; Wyatt (18), Clarissa (15), and Madelyn (11).
On Friday, June 30, 2017, the facility had an open house to publicly welcome her aboard. Many people from the community including Kari’s family were in attendance.
Welcome to the GRCC Family, Kari!
Happy Retirement!
After 34 years as the Administrator at GRCC, Terry Shobe has decided to retire to a future of rest and relaxation. On Thursday, June 29, members of our staff hosted a Luncheon in his honor. Numerous current and former employees as well as board members and Terry’s family were present for the occasion. It was a time to fellowship, reminisce, give thanks, and say farewell.
Thank you, Terry, for your many years of service, guidance, patience, and camaraderie! You will be greatly missed by all.
June 7, 2017
National Nursing Home Week! To celebrate National Nursing Home Week (May 14-20), Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center hosted a variety of activities for both residents and employees. Among those activities were a luncheon for staff and a mini "Prom" for our residents.
For "Prom" a few local high school students came dressed in their prom formals. They participated with the Therapy Department as well as other various staff members to create a dance for residents to enjoy. Pictures...
Father's Day Meal!
At May's Resident's Council Meeting, residents chose a special Father's Day Meal. It is as follows.
Fried Potatoes
Banana Pudding
This special meal will be served at noon on June 18, 2017. If you are a friend or family member and would like to eat with a resident on this day, the cost is $7.00 per meal which includes a beverage.
Please make sure to notify the dietary department of your plans to eat along with the number of guest who will be in attendance at least 24 hours in advance. (304) 257-4233 ext. 223
May 4, 2017
National Nursing Home Week!
On May 4, 2017; Petersburg Mayor, Gary Michael was at Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center to proclaim the week of May 14-20 of 2017 National Nursing Home Week.
There are several events and activities scheduled throughout the week. Please keep checking our calendar under "Upcoming Events" in the News and Events Section.
May 3, 2017
Activities Recap--March was national craft month. Residents celebrated Craft Day on March 7th with craft displays from both residents and staff. Those who brought crafts were given the opportunity to talk about them. Melissa Smith and her mother Glonia shared several items that Melissa had made. Later, Melissa gave her crafts away to anyone who wanted them. Marion Wilson, who makes crafts for our residents out of plastic canvas, brought at tissue box that she had made. Mary Grace Vandevander shared pictures that she had colored in her Adult Coloring Book. Ruby Lipscomb and her daughter, Betty also shoed items that they'd made together. Betty cuts out and sews animals and then brings them in to Ruby so she can stuff them. Several employees have purchased some of these animals. Activity Aide, Gail George shared pictures that she had cross-stitched and framed. Activities Director, Barbara Mauzy also shared several items that her mother had made including crocheted items, a cross-stitched tablecloth, and sever plastic canvas placemats. The day was fun for all involved. Thank you to everyone who participated.
Easter is a very special time of year for our residents. In the weeks before the Ministerial Association hole Lenten Lunches at the Presbyterian Church in Petersburg. This year we were able to take the residents to three of these lunches. They enjoyed the meals and services, but more importantly they were able to visit with friends and family. Many people stopped by our table to say "hello" and "glad you're here" including people who didn't even know the residents. It was a special time for our residents. Thank you to all who helped make these meals and services possible.
Also around Easter, the residents enjoyed coloring eggs. It brought back many happy memories of coloring eggs with their children and even there moms when they were children themselves. They laughed and told stories of how they colored eggs with onion hulls, or how they mixed two colors together to make a new color. Some of the eggs were peeled and eaten with salt and pepper while others were made into deviled eggs to be eaten at the monthly birthday party which was held on April 19th. A special thank you goes to the Harmans who came to entertain at the party.
April, 2017
The residents who attended this month's Assisted Living Residents' Council Meeting chose the following for our Mother's Day lunch:
Breaded 8-way Chicken
Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy
Green Beans
Homemade Hot Rolls
Butterscotch Pie
This special meal will be served at noon on May 14, 2017. If you are a friend or family member and would like to eat with a resident on this day, the cost is $7.00 per meal which includes a beverage.
Please make sure to notify the dietary department of your plans to eat along with the number of guest who will be in attendance at least 24 hours in advance. (304) 257-4233 ext. 223
April 5, 2017
Friday, March 31, was National Crayola Day. The residents of Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center celebrated the event on the 30th with a coloring contest which was judged by Administrator, Terry Shobe and a group of other employees chosen by him. At 1:30, the winners were announced and residents were served Jello Jigglers of various colors with whipped cream. The winners of the contest were 1st Place: Vera Ours, 2nd Place: Mary Grace Vandevander, and 3rd Place: Melissa Smith. Residents color pictures for all seasons and all occasions. They are displayed on the wall outside the activities room--be sure to stop by and view their pictures!
--Activities Department
March 27, 2017
The residents who attended this month's Residents' Council Meeting chose a menu for our Easter lunch meal. It is as follows:
Baked Ham
Candied Sweet Potatoes
Salad w/ Dressing
Homemade Hot Rolls
Coconut Cake
If you are a friend or family member and would like to eat with a resident on this day, the cost is $7.00 per meal which includes a beverage. Please make sure to notify the dietary department of your plans to eat along with the number of guest who will be in attendance at least 24 hours in advance .
--Dietary Department
February 2017
On Tuesday, February 14th at 1:00 p.m., residents of Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center gathered in the main dining room for the monthly Birthday Party which this month was combined with the Valentine Party. Music was provided by Steve and Joyce Schetrom and Family. This group has entertained here before for special events and birthday parties, and the residents love to listen to them. Residents were served cupcakes made by Myra Vance (Country Roads Catering) and ice cream. The First Baptist Church of Petersburg provided treat bags, Dorcus Chieftans 4-H Club and Bethel Church Youth made Valentine cards for the residents.
We would like to thank all who helped make this a good day for our residents. Cookies, treat bags and cards were also given to residents on the Memory Hall who were unable to attend the party.
The next day on Wednesday, residents and staff celebrated National Gumdrop Day with gumdrop door prizes for staff on all shifts and residents ate gumdrops while they played Jingo at 1:30 p.m.
--Activities Department