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March 2018




Residents and staff alike are anxiously awaiting the season of spring here at Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center! Recently, I had the opportunity to visit with a longtime family friend and business owner in Petersburg. She reminded me that there are many individuals in this community that are looking for opportunities to volunteer their time and talents to others in need.  I would like to officially extend an offer to interested individuals to contact us for the purpose of volunteering.  Volunteers provide residents in long term care a sense of integrity, stability, and contentment, which enhances the other service lines within the organization.  If you or someone you know would like to volunteer at GRCC and make a difference in the lives of others, we encourage you to contact us for more information.


The Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center Foundation provides an opportunity for community members to build a lasting legacy within our organization.  The GRCC Foundation’s first project is to raise funds for the Reverend Richard “Dick” Longbon Physical Rehabilitation Unit. Donations are being accepted and will be recognized in the new therapy unit by a Donor Recognition plaque displaying all sponsorship levels. Opportunities for sponsorship include a simple monetary donation to patronage of new therapy equipment, a private treatment room, or occupational treatment area. Donations are tax deductible. For more information about becoming a sponsor to our projects, contact me directly at 304-257-4233 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Additional information regarding our therapy unit renovation and sponsorship is included in this newsletter (see page 4). 


All my best,




Happy National Social Work Month!  


The Ethics Committee for Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center has been re-established.  Ethics are “moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity.”  At times, situations occur and there does not seem to be a clear cut answer.  These situations can involve our residents, staff members, or providers.  Even though multiple solutions may have been attempted to solve the situation, the situation may remain, and this is when the Ethics Committee would be involved.  The Ethics Committee will meet with everyone involved in order to obtain an appropriate solution.


At this time, the following people are members of the GRCC Ethics Committee:  Dr. Caroline Armstrong, Shelia Phares, Certified Dietary Manager, Kari Evans, Nursing Home Administrator, Ann Kielar, Director Of Nursing, Christina Thorne, Assistant Director Of Nursing, Pastor Larry Hakes,  Amy Rotruck, Social Services Assistant, and Ravenna O. Redman, Director of Social Services.


If you believe that you may have an situation that needs to be reviewed by the Ethics Committee, forms are available to you at the front and back nurses’ desk in the filing cabinet, and at the Social Services.  Please complete the referral form, and return to the Social Services.  Once returned to the Social Services office, the committee will start the Ethics Review process. 


If you have any questions regarding the Ethics Committee, please contact us in the Social Services.  Again, thank you for allowing us to serve your resident.



Social Services



I am proud to announce that our department was deficiency free during our annual state survey and I am very pleased with the hard work and dedication that each employee has given to make our survey a success!!  Great Job!!


Resident council in February chose the following meals for Easter day at noon: Baked Ham, Baked Sweet Potato, Succotash, Homemade Hot Roll, Deviled Egg and Coconut Pie.


If you would like to eat with your loved one(s), please notify the dietary department in advance at 304-257-4233 ext. 223.  The cost of a meal is $7.00 including beverage.


This month, we were saddened by the death of our beloved coworker and friend, Tina Turner, on February 26, 2018. Tina was employed as a dietary aide since November 12, 2010. She was always full of joy and was well loved by the residents and her coworkers.  While our department mourns her passing; we are also comforted by the knowledge that she is in God’s hands. We extend our deepest condolences to all of her family and friends.  


Sheila Phares

Director of Food and Nutrition Services




GRCC’s Employee of the Month for March 2018 is Cathy Harman. Cathy is a Registered Nurse who has been employed at GRCC since 1997. She is the mother of three children and is a Grandmother to seven. She attends Love Church, and aside from being a nurse and caring for our residents, Cathy also enjoys outdoor photography. 



Residents have been busy with regular activities as well as having several special activities to celebrate different events.


Saturday, March 10th, South Branch Youth came and did a craft activity with residents, they are looking at doing this on a monthly basis. On Wednesday, the 14th, the residents celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with Green Flip and Green Exercise Games. There were also Green treats and prizes for those who scored the highest on the games.


On March 15th, seven residents attended the dressed rehearsal of Grease at the Landes Art Center. Dwight Baker, Maintenance Supervisor; Letha Long, RN; Tammy Eckard, CNA; Aimee Minor, Social Worker and the Activity Assistant were among the staff that accompanied the residents to the play.  Our thanks go to WV Theater East for inviting our residents.


We have started a new activity program for the Memory Unit. There have been a lot of good results and responses from the residents who are on the unit. Winnie Goldizen, Activity Aide will be heading up that program with assistance from Gail George, Activity Aide when needed. The program will be Monday thru Friday. 


Music is always good therapy, and since both ladies play piano, we would like to have one for on that hall for them to use with this program. If you know of anyone who would like to donate or sell a piano for a small fee please contact Barbara Mauzy, Activity Director at (304) 257-4233 ext. 249


On Tuesday, March 27th, at 10:00 a.m., residents will be coloring eggs for Easter. They will then get to enjoy eating the eggs during Coffee Shop at 1:30 p.m. on March 29th. Pastor Hakes will have a Good Friday Communion Service on Friday, March 30th. 


Thank you to all of our volunteers who give their time to help provide activities for our residents. If you would like to become a volunteer, giv us a call or visit our website to download an application. 


Barbara L. Mauzy, ADC

Activity Director



Our staff is dedicated to working with all our residents to provide them with the best care possible, and to help provide comfort and a sense of well-being for our residents.  


One program our nursing department offers is called Safe Harbor.  This is a palliative care program designed for our residents who are experiencing a decline in their health status for any reason.  Safe Harbor is not a Hospice program, although the objective of both Safe Harbor and Hospice is pain and symptom relief.  


Safe Harbor residents are not required to meet Medicare eligibility in order to receive these services.  If you have questions, you can contact our Safe Harbor Nurse, Kami Dayton, RN, or call the facility directly at 304-257-4233.  


Residents have the right to choose the program of their choice when this type of service is needed.  We will be happy to provide more information or answer any questions you may have about program options.



The Medical Record staff would like to give a warm “WELCOME” to Heather Barger, FNPBC, as she joins GRCC’s TEAM of PHYSICIANS.  Heather will be alternating rounds with Doctors Bruce Leslie, Stephen Thompson, Caroline Armstrong, and Benjamin Leslie.  We are all excited to work with her and give her a big HEARTFELT WELCOME!


Fran Hedrick, Medical Record Coordinator

Mindy Evans, Medical Record Secretary

Jodi Cook, Desk Clerk

Anna Berg, Desk Clerk