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The holidays are an especially busy time around Grant Rehabilitation & Care Center. The residents enjoy decorations, caroling, special Christmas programs, and parties that all lead up to Christmas Day when they can enjoy a special meal prepared for them and their guests. 

Employees also enjoy this time of year as they get to spend some quality time with the residents while decorating and celebrating.

During the week of Dec. 18 -22, each wing was treated to a Christmas Party and a special visit from Santa.

This year, we had our first “Ugly Sweater” contest!  Employees were encouraged to wear their most festive “Ugly Sweater” so that residents could vote for their favorites.

On December 18th, accompanied by their Principal & Assistant Principal, members of Petersburg High School’s Student Council came in to visit with the residents. They brought with them handmade cards for each resident.

See Our Holiday Photo Album!


Greetings! We are very excited to publish our new and improved newsletter to residents, families, staff and community.  It has been an amazing 6 months as the new administrator at Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center. I am very blessed by a supportive staff that works so hard and are very committed to the residents of our organization.  We have made many transformations to our processes in response to changes at the state and federal level.  Our team has successfully written a Quality Assurance Performance Improvement (QAPI) plan that will ensure that standards for quality of service and outcomes is maintained at acceptable levels in relation to those standards.   That sounds like a real mouthful, but it is the driving force of making sure that we identify any changes or issues early on and design a plan that will help each department be successful at finding solutions to those challenges.

We are also in the process of fully implementing our electronic health record and information technology systems.  We are very pleased to be assisted in this project by Isinguard Technology Group Inc.  Once this challenge has been met, we will be looking at additional improvements that benefit our residents and staff through technology services.

GRCC is very pleased to announce we will begin renovations to our Therapy Department in February 2018. This renovation will allow for more equipment and services to be provided to our residents while here at our facility and after their discharge home.  There will more information in the near future for community organizations and individuals that would like to make a contribution to this project.  A big thank you to Thrasher Group for providing planning and architectural assistance as we move forward with this initiative.

In closing, we look forward to 2018 being one of our most successful and prosperous years yet.  Our vision statement at GRCC is that we are a home where we respect individuality, encourage hope, and give comfort. With the support of our wonderful community and staff, there is no limit to what we can achieve together. 

Thank you and God Bless!



“Nutrition Services’ News”

The nutrition services department would like to welcome some new employees.  

Madison Hall, Dietary Aide; Jennifer Conrad, Baker:  Bill Elswick, Baker:  Patience Elgin, Dietary Aide. 

We are very pleased to have the join our team.  


Our department has been very busy with the recent holidays.  On Thanksgiving Day, we served 60 plus guests for lunch.  For the residents Christmas parties, we made all varieties of homemade goodies, i.e.  potato candy, different kinds of fudge and cookies just to name a few.  On Christmas Eve for dinner we had our facility tradition of being served oysters for those who wanted them.  We were able to serve the oysters with the support of a donation by the Petersburg Lions Club.  We are very thankful for their generosity.  On Christmas Day for lunch we served over 50 guests.

With both Thanksgiving and Christmas Day meals we made homemade hot rolls and we had homemade apple butter that was made in our facility by the Activities Department.  The holiday meals were chosen by the Resident Council Groups.  

We celebrated our department Christmas party for those who wanted and were able to attend.

Sheila Phares, Director of Food and Nutrition Services, CDM, CFPP


“Activity Notes”

December was a busy month for the Activities Department and the residents, as always. Some of the activities were as follows: On December 6th, Denver Riggleman, also known as Santa’s Elf, came to pick up toys for the Toys for Tots Program. Every year, residents who want to donate some of the money they win from bingo or flip to buy toys can do so. This year they donated 45 toys. That same evening, residents who chose to, went to Welton Park to see the Christmas Lights, and then had hot cocoa and cookies when they returned (special thanks to Letha Long, Karen Parsons, and Charlotte Rohrbaugh & Grandson for helping that evening). 

The week of December 18-21 was the resident Christmas Parties with one hall having a party each day. For each party, a lay speaker or Pastor came and did a short Christmas program. Then Santa visited, and each resident who wanted to, had a picture taken with him. Residents each received a Christmas necklace and refreshments made by the dietary department (thanks for all the goodies!). 

A big thank you to all who came and did programs for these parties. Special thanks to Charles Goldizen who took on the role of Santa again this year. We would also like to thank all of the churches, 4-H groups, boy scouts, school groups, and individuals who visited, provided music and other programs, brought gifts, or otherwise gave cheer to the residents. The residents so enjoy these things and are always open to visits as well as new programs, so please come and visit us again. If you would like to set a time to come, please contact the activity department at (304) 257-2433 ext. 225 or stop by and talk to us.


“Notes from Social Service”

Happy New Year from the Social Services Department!  

It was wonderful to see all the families and visitors during the holiday season.  Family engagement and visitation are vital to our residents, not just through the holiday season but throughout the year.  

Unfortunately, though our residents do have a compromised immune system, and if you are not feeling well, please attempt to refrain from visiting, until you are feeling better.  The facility will seek to assist in other methods of visitation, such as telephone calls until you are feeling better.  If you are not feeling well, but still would like to engage in a telephone visitation, please feel free to contact our office.  Residents also enjoy receiving cards and letters.  Please ensure that their name is on the envelope.  


“Nursing News”

The Certified Nursing Assistant class has come to completion, and there are seven new employees on our team. We would like to congratulate and wish them the best as they embark on their career at this organization.

We are happy to announce that Christina Thorne is our new Assistant Director of Nursing (ADON).  Christina has been with our facility for 20 years as a staff nurse and nursing supervisor. 

Also, we’d like to announce that Cassandra Hanlin has been named our new Nursing Health Supervisor.  Cassie has been working at GRCC for 11 years as a staff and charge nurse. 

Please join us in congratulating them on their new position in the facility. We are looking forward to working with both of them in their new roles.   


“Employee of the Month”

 GRCC’s Employee of the Month for the month of January 2018 is Pammy Mitchell. Pammy joined our staff in April 2006.  She has been married to Greg Mitchell for 17 years.  They have two children Cody; age 13 and Cady; age 3.  They live on a farm in Upper Tract, raising cattle and pigs.  Pammy also grows vegetables and strawberries in her high-tunnel.  Her hobbies are farming, gardening, hunting, fishing, crocheting, weaving baskets, and wood working.  Her special interests are her children, the elderly, history, photography, and passing her love for farming to future generations.  She attends Rig Assembly of God Church.  Pammy is also a WV Master Gardener and active member of the Home Advisory Committee at Southern States, WV Farm Bureau, and WV Cattle Women’s Association.


Special Thank You!

~Petersburg Lion’s Club for the monetary donation toward Oysters for Christmas Eve.

~Petersburg 7-11 for 18 large Coloring Books donated to the Activities Department.