July 1, 2017
New Administrator!
In light of Mr. Shobe’s retirement, we got to welcome our new administrator, Kari Evans. Kari is a lifelong resident of Grant County. She has been married to Micah for 20 years, and they have three children; Wyatt (18), Clarissa (15), and Madelyn (11).
On Friday, June 30, 2017, the facility had an open house to publicly welcome her aboard. Many people from the community including Kari’s family were in attendance.
Welcome to the GRCC Family, Kari!
Happy Retirement!
After 34 years as the Administrator at GRCC, Terry Shobe has decided to retire to a future of rest and relaxation. On Thursday, June 29, members of our staff hosted a Luncheon in his honor. Numerous current and former employees as well as board members and Terry’s family were present for the occasion. It was a time to fellowship, reminisce, give thanks, and say farewell.
Thank you, Terry, for your many years of service, guidance, patience, and camaraderie! You will be greatly missed by all.
June 7, 2017
National Nursing Home Week! To celebrate National Nursing Home Week (May 14-20), Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center hosted a variety of activities for both residents and employees. Among those activities were a luncheon for staff and a mini "Prom" for our residents.
For "Prom" a few local high school students came dressed in their prom formals. They participated with the Therapy Department as well as other various staff members to create a dance for residents to enjoy. Pictures...
Father's Day Meal!
At May's Resident's Council Meeting, residents chose a special Father's Day Meal. It is as follows.
Fried Potatoes
Banana Pudding
This special meal will be served at noon on June 18, 2017. If you are a friend or family member and would like to eat with a resident on this day, the cost is $7.00 per meal which includes a beverage.
Please make sure to notify the dietary department of your plans to eat along with the number of guest who will be in attendance at least 24 hours in advance. (304) 257-4233 ext. 223
May 4, 2017
National Nursing Home Week!
On May 4, 2017; Petersburg Mayor, Gary Michael was at Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center to proclaim the week of May 14-20 of 2017 National Nursing Home Week.
There are several events and activities scheduled throughout the week. Please keep checking our calendar under "Upcoming Events" in the News and Events Section.
May 3, 2017
Activities Recap--March was national craft month. Residents celebrated Craft Day on March 7th with craft displays from both residents and staff. Those who brought crafts were given the opportunity to talk about them. Melissa Smith and her mother Glonia shared several items that Melissa had made. Later, Melissa gave her crafts away to anyone who wanted them. Marion Wilson, who makes crafts for our residents out of plastic canvas, brought at tissue box that she had made. Mary Grace Vandevander shared pictures that she had colored in her Adult Coloring Book. Ruby Lipscomb and her daughter, Betty also shoed items that they'd made together. Betty cuts out and sews animals and then brings them in to Ruby so she can stuff them. Several employees have purchased some of these animals. Activity Aide, Gail George shared pictures that she had cross-stitched and framed. Activities Director, Barbara Mauzy also shared several items that her mother had made including crocheted items, a cross-stitched tablecloth, and sever plastic canvas placemats. The day was fun for all involved. Thank you to everyone who participated.
Easter is a very special time of year for our residents. In the weeks before the Ministerial Association hole Lenten Lunches at the Presbyterian Church in Petersburg. This year we were able to take the residents to three of these lunches. They enjoyed the meals and services, but more importantly they were able to visit with friends and family. Many people stopped by our table to say "hello" and "glad you're here" including people who didn't even know the residents. It was a special time for our residents. Thank you to all who helped make these meals and services possible.
Also around Easter, the residents enjoyed coloring eggs. It brought back many happy memories of coloring eggs with their children and even there moms when they were children themselves. They laughed and told stories of how they colored eggs with onion hulls, or how they mixed two colors together to make a new color. Some of the eggs were peeled and eaten with salt and pepper while others were made into deviled eggs to be eaten at the monthly birthday party which was held on April 19th. A special thank you goes to the Harmans who came to entertain at the party.
April, 2017
The residents who attended this month's Assisted Living Residents' Council Meeting chose the following for our Mother's Day lunch:
Breaded 8-way Chicken
Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy
Green Beans
Homemade Hot Rolls
Butterscotch Pie
This special meal will be served at noon on May 14, 2017. If you are a friend or family member and would like to eat with a resident on this day, the cost is $7.00 per meal which includes a beverage.
Please make sure to notify the dietary department of your plans to eat along with the number of guest who will be in attendance at least 24 hours in advance. (304) 257-4233 ext. 223
April 5, 2017
Friday, March 31, was National Crayola Day. The residents of Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center celebrated the event on the 30th with a coloring contest which was judged by Administrator, Terry Shobe and a group of other employees chosen by him. At 1:30, the winners were announced and residents were served Jello Jigglers of various colors with whipped cream. The winners of the contest were 1st Place: Vera Ours, 2nd Place: Mary Grace Vandevander, and 3rd Place: Melissa Smith. Residents color pictures for all seasons and all occasions. They are displayed on the wall outside the activities room--be sure to stop by and view their pictures!
--Activities Department
March 27, 2017
The residents who attended this month's Residents' Council Meeting chose a menu for our Easter lunch meal. It is as follows:
Baked Ham
Candied Sweet Potatoes
Salad w/ Dressing
Homemade Hot Rolls
Coconut Cake
If you are a friend or family member and would like to eat with a resident on this day, the cost is $7.00 per meal which includes a beverage. Please make sure to notify the dietary department of your plans to eat along with the number of guest who will be in attendance at least 24 hours in advance .
--Dietary Department
February 2017
On Tuesday, February 14th at 1:00 p.m., residents of Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center gathered in the main dining room for the monthly Birthday Party which this month was combined with the Valentine Party. Music was provided by Steve and Joyce Schetrom and Family. This group has entertained here before for special events and birthday parties, and the residents love to listen to them. Residents were served cupcakes made by Myra Vance (Country Roads Catering) and ice cream. The First Baptist Church of Petersburg provided treat bags, Dorcus Chieftans 4-H Club and Bethel Church Youth made Valentine cards for the residents.
We would like to thank all who helped make this a good day for our residents. Cookies, treat bags and cards were also given to residents on the Memory Hall who were unable to attend the party.
The next day on Wednesday, residents and staff celebrated National Gumdrop Day with gumdrop door prizes for staff on all shifts and residents ate gumdrops while they played Jingo at 1:30 p.m.
--Activities Department