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March 2019




Hello all and Happy March!

The chapel renovation is complete and we have received a great deal of positive feedback from residents and visitors that are pleased with the outcome!  If you have not had an opportunity, we invite you to stop by for a visit and have a look for yourself! Thank you for your patience as we continue to renovate/refresh this facility. The next Maintenance project is a renovation to the conference room and restrooms at the main entrance. As I mentioned in last month’s newsletter, GRCC will be getting a brand-new transportation van to be utilized by the residents for appointments and outings.  We anticipate the delivery of the new van by mid-April. We are planning a “maiden voyage” with the new van and many residents are looking forward to taking a ride.  

As an activity for March, residents and staff are encouraged to wear green during our Green Day celebration for St. Patrick’s Day on March 15th.  The Dietary staff will provide refreshments and a courtesy cart will be taken through the building with cookies, punch, and other goodies. 

GRCC is very thankful for all the community support that we receive.  Recently, an anonymous donor purchased a new blanket warmer with 84 high quality blankets to be used on the 100 wing (Memory Care Area).  The anticipated delivery of the blanket warmer is 3/12/19.  We look forward to utilizing this generous gift to provide comfort and care to our residents. GRCC sends out a special “thank you and God Bless” to that individual for being so kindhearted and compassionate to the needs of our residents.  

Wishing you a blessed month and Happy St. Patrick’s Day!



Employee of the Month

The employee of the month for March is Madison Hall. Madison is employed at GRCC as a Nutrition Service’s Aide. She has been with us since 2017, working part-time while also attending Petersburg High school. In the fall, Madison plans to attend college in pursuit of a career in teaching.

During her free time, she enjoys spending time with friends and family. Madison has one sister, twin brothers, and two step-sisters and a baby niece, Lakeleigh. In addition to her family, she has two dogs named Bella and DJ.



March is National Social Work Month, and at this time, we can introduce you to the Social Work Department. Amy Rotruck is our Social Services Assistant.  Amy has worked for Grant  Rehabilitation and Care Center since November 1999.  Amy is invaluable to our office. She organizes all of our admission materials, sends out care letters, helps arrange treatment care meetings, and keeps our office working effectively.  She also assists families in completing the Medicaid applications. She helps prepare our discharges, by sending information to service providers in the community.  She is probably the first contact that you make when you contact the Social Services office.  She provides excellent customer services for residents and their families.  On a personal note, Amy is a Mt. Storm native.  She has a son Dylan, and likes to sell Pamper Chef when she has a spare moment.  

Aimee Minor is one of our social workers.  Aimee is a Pendleton County native.  She has a bachelor’s degree in Social Work from West Virginia University.  She first came to the facility to complete her social work internship during her senior year.  Upon graduation, she worked at Harrisonburg Health and Rehab, in Harrisonburg Virginia.  In April 2017, when our previous Director of Social Services; Linda Fletcher retired, Aimee was brought on board. We have been able to utilize her knowledge gained at Harrisonburg to make our discharges more effective.  She has a great rapport with the residents, and enjoys spending time with them.  She is enjoying it so much that she is currently pursuing her Master’s Degree with Concord University.  She currently resides in Upper Tract WV, and enjoys hiking, and spending time with her friends and family.

My name is Ravenna Redman, and I am the current Director of Social Services.  I am a Grant County native.  I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from Shepherd University and a Master’s Degree in Social Work from West Virginia University.  One might say, I grew up at Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center, my mom was a cook at the facility when I was six, and throughout the years, she served in the laundry department and housekeeping.  My first job was at the nursing home as an evening housekeeper, then CNA.  In fact, without Nancy Null, the 1st Social Services Director of the facility’s knowledge and wisdom, I may have never recognized that I am a social worker.  She recognized it in me, and told me to go for it.  I thank God every day for that piece of wisdom.  After graduating from Shepherd, I worked for the State of West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources for thirteen years.  I was a Youth Service worker, Child Protective Service worker, Human Resource Specialist, and a Child Protective Services Supervisor.  However, my heart has always been with geriatrics.  So, when Jane Fisher retired in September 2014, I was honored to become a social worker at Grant Rehabilitation and Care Center, and doubly honored to be selected as Director of Social Services when Linda Fletcher retired.  I currently reside in Petersburg, am married, and have three children, Aaron, Kyrah, and John.  In my spare time, I direct and act in West Virginia Theater East, and enjoy reading.

Being a social worker is not just a job.  It is a calling, and it never turns off.  Our main goal is to help people have the best quality of life they are able to have.  I am extremely blessed to work with Aimee Minor and Amy Rotruck.  They do not receive the credit they deserve, so I am very glad that I have this month to recognize their efforts to help the residents and family in this facility.  So if you see them this month, please say thank you.

Hoping Spring will come soon, and until next time- God bless.

Ravenna O. Redman, MSW, LSW

Director of Social Services



Each Month, the Therapy Department will be honoring a CNA who goes above and beyond when interacting with both residents and staff members to provide quality care. This month we have selected Jess Stickley. Jess always has a smile on her face and is willing to help in any way possible. She treats the residents like they are a part of her family and makes a very positive impact on their stay at Grant Rehab & Care Center. Thank you, Jess, for all you do and for just being YOU!!! You are appreciated! 😊



During the month of February, the Food and Nutrition Services’ Department furnished refreshments for the courtesy cart on Valentine’s Day.

We will be doing the same for St. Patrick’s Day. For our “Green Day” celebration we will serve green punch and cupcakes!



February was a short month, but we had a wonderful time. We had two lunches celebrating Valentine’s Day. Many residents attended the lunches which consisted of fried chicken, macaroni salad, applesauce, soda and cupcakes for dessert.  We also had a day of active games where a large group participated. During the games, the Food & Nutrition Services Department brought in snacks and drinks to be enjoyed by all the residents. 

For the monthly birthday party, the residents had a cake decorated with red/pink hearts and ribbons. They also listened to piano music played by Winnie Goldizen.  On Valentine’s day we played a special bingo with red and pink hearts that had the amount of winnings written on the back.

We are still in need of volunteers on Tuesday and Thursday evenings as well as Friday mornings and afternoons. If you are interested please call the Activity Department for more information. If you are interested in volunteering at any other time, again please call for more information. The residents look forward to many activities and we cannot do them without the help of dedicated volunteers.

Thank you,

Cindy L. Evans, ADC



Spring is right around the corner; therefore, the facility will begin their spring cleaning. We like to ask family members to please remove any belongs that your loved one is currently not using.  Also, the facility will no longer be accepting donated belongings. 


Crystal Grapes, HR/CC


The facility is pleased to announce that Tyla Hogbin is our new supervisor for Environmental Services. Tyla has been employed with the facility for about 5 years as a CNA and is an asset to the facility. We are thrilled to have her as part of our management team.